Objectives YWBAT You will be able to understand how to select your course representative and understand what the learners voice is. Enabling objectives 1. State a way in which your class can pick a course representative. 2. State the importance of learners voice.
Course representative During the next year there will be a series of meetings for course representatives to attend. What are the reasons for these meetings? Each course has a chance to say something, it could be an idea on how to improve something at the college. Problems can be looked into. The college can listen to the needs of the students and try and improve your time at the college.
Group task In groups of two list some strengths that you feel your course rep would need? List
Group task Good listener Good communication skills Understanding Easy to talk to Makes time for people Attends meeting Interested in improving the college
Next lesson By the next lesson have a think if you would like to be the course rep or suggest to the tutor someone you feel has the strengths. If there are more than one the class can have a vote and the person with the most votes will be elected.
Learner Voice Ways in which you can be heard: Student rep meetings Surveys Meeting with course tutors Meetings with a mentor Most importantly if you want to talk to someone ask your tutor.
Learner Survey Do you want your opinions on your learning experience to be heard? Take part in the Learner Voice Wales Survey. It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping future learners make the right choices of where and what to study. What is the Learner Voice Wales survey? A 10 minute survey, completed by over 50,000 learners across Wales An opportunity for learners to give their views on several aspects of their course or training. Learners who are enrolled in further education, work-based learning, adult community learning, and Welsh for Adults centres will all be taking part. The survey has been commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) in the Welsh Government. It will be conducted by an independent research organisation - Ipsos MORI Why is the survey important? The Learner Voice Wales Survey will help your college or learning provider create a better experience for learners like you. Because all learners across Wales are taking part, your college or learning provider will also be able to see how they compare to other organisations that provide the same learning. It will also help the Welsh Government monitor the quality of course, teaching and training across Wales.
Task Have a go at the survey questions. Discuss with your tutor what is poor and what is very good for the questions. Tutors treat you fairly and with respect. Give you feedback on how to improve. Staff turn up on time. Delivering the course in a way that keeps you interested.
Recap State some strengths for a course rep: State ways for student voice, how can you be heard?