Personal Fitness and Wellness: FACT or FICTION
Specific exercises will cause spot reduction. Fiction. There is no way to reduce fat in certain problem areas. A properly structured strength and conditioning program combined with healthy eating habits will result in a leaner physique.
Lifting weights will make women bulky and muscle bound. Fiction. Few women have the testosterone to estrogen ratio necessary for major size increases. Men have times more muscle building potential than women because their levels of testosterone are much greater.
When you stop exercising, your muscles will turn to fat. Fiction. Fat and muscle are two different things. Fat can not be converted to muscle and muscle is not converted to fat. If you stop lifting weights, your muscles will shrink and you may increase body fat due to lack of activity or increased caloric intake.
Running is the best way to get fit. Fiction. There is no best way to get fit. You must choose activities that you enjoy or you will find a reason to quit. While certain exercises and activities burn more calories than others, it is more important to find a few activities that you want to do.
Ice is better than heat for sports injuries Fact. Most sports injuries hurt because of internal bleeding and swelling, often caused by overuse. Ice will help reduce pain and swelling. Heat has a tendency to increase inflammation of the injured area.
A walking program can help reduce heart disease Fact. Studies have shown that walking at a brisk pace 3 hours or more per week can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.
Eating at night makes you gain weight. Fiction. Studies show that the amount of calories you consume rather than the timing of those calories is the key component of weight gain. The best choice is to make sure you are eating enough food throughout the day so that you do not overeat after dinner.
The best time to exercise is early in the morning. Fiction. There is no best time to exercise. The time that best fits into your schedule is the time to exercise. Some people like to kick start their day with exercise while others use their exercise session as a way to release stress or energized for the evening.
Gaining weight is part of getting older. Fiction. Getting older is not an excuse for gaining weight!!! The efficiency of your metabolism is directly linked to the amount of muscle mass you have. The ability to maintain muscle mass will ensure that your metabolism burns at a highly effective rate.
The sugar in candy causes hyperactivity in children. Fiction. Despite wide-spread belief, sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children. Recent studies conducted at Vanderbuilt University and the University of Iowa College of Medicine found no evidence that sugar has an adverse effect on children’s behavior.