SPED 613: Issues and Trends
Upcoming initiatives in K-12 public education Vouchers and Charter School Research Social Behavior and Mental Illness Math and Science Instruction and Intervention RtI and Determining Evidence-based Practices Employment and Transition Those that have stood the test of time: Instructional Strategies Assessment IES funding programs
What is driving you as a teacher? List several areas you are interested in studying. Based on these suggestions, I will choose those that appear to have valid research to support our future discussions.
Grants What are some projects that interest you and could benefit your class, school, district, or state? We will list these topics and categorize them.
Let’s break up into groups Discuss the topics in depth. What do you know about the topic? Did you opine this information, study it directly, read about it in an article or two or read it in a meta-analysis? What information are you missing? Grants may be written in teams or individually.
Grant and Topic Resources Grant programs and opportunities for SC teachers USDOE grants Online charity for teachers Funding finder for teachers