Freshwater Biomes By: Mr. Peterson
Animals Turtles Frogs Fish Salamanders Ducks Herons Otters Muskrats Dragonflies
Plants Lilies Cattails Reeds Coontail Algae Jewelweed Duckweed
Climate/Weather Temperature varies in ponds and lakes seasonally A watershed is an area of land where rain water, streams and small rivers all drain into one large area of water such as a large river, lake or ocean The mouth of a river is where it meets the ocean The ice blocks out the sunlight, and oxygen levels in the water drop, killing some plants and animals. This is called 'winterkill'. Weather varies depending on the freshwater location.
Interesting Facts Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the US 41 Million acres of lakes in the US Deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia The longest River in the World is the Nile River The longest river in the US is the Mississippi River.
Sources "Fun River Facts for Kids." Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Cool Facts, Online Games, Activities, Projects, Ideas, Technology. Web. 20 Oct "Interesting Lake Facts :: Interesting Facts for Kids." Most Interesting Facts :: Random Interesting Facts. Web. 20 Oct ENature: America's Wildlife Resource. Web. 20 Oct "Water Biome: Fresh Water." KIDCYBER. Web. 20 Oct