Plan 1) General facts about Australia 2) Flora and fauna 3) Australia’s Records 4) Advantages and disadvantages of life in Australia
o Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Interesting fact : because it is south of the equator, the seasons in Australia are the opposite of those in Europe. It’s winter in Australia, when it’s summer in Europe. o It is the only country entirely located on the continent. o Australia is the largest island and the smallest continent. o It’s the 6 th biggest country in the world. Location
States and territories Australia has six states: o New South Wales; o Queensland; o South Australia; o Tasmania; o Victoria; o Western Australia; and two major mainland territories: o the Australian Capital Territory; o The Northern Territory. About half of the territory of Antarctica belongs to Australia.
Flag and heraldry Each star on the flag of Australia has its own meaning: five of these seven-pointed star - the Commonwealth star Acrux, Beta Crucis, Gacrux, Delta Crucis, and the sixth is a five-pointed - star Epsilon Crucis. Before the advent of the Australian flag on the mainland used the British Union Jack flag. The top half of the coat of arms, from left to right, the coats of arms of states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. At the bottom, left to right: South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. Above the shield is a 7-sided Commonwealth Star (Star of Federation). The six points of the star are six states, and the seventh is a collection area and Australia. Kangaroo and Emu, which support the shield, are the unofficial national emblem. They are unlike most animals rarely seen moving back.
Population density o The population is people. o About 90% of Australians live in cities. o There were 6.7 million residents who were born outside Australia, representing 28% of the total population. o On average, Australians live up to years. o These first inhabitants of Australia were Aboriginal.
o The main treasure of Australia is nature. o Australia has some of the world’s most distinctive and diverse natural environments, with unique wildlife, and spectacular landscapes, including many national parks and World Heritage Areas.
o Australia - the driest inhabited continent on earth, the driest - Antarctica. A third of Australia - the desert, the rest of it also quite arid. o In the Australian Snowy Mountains falls more snow annually than in the Swiss Alps. o Australia - the only continent where there is no an active volcano.
o Australia has more than 378 mammal species, 828 birds, 4000 fish species, 140 snake species, two crocodile species and around 50 types of marine mammals. More than 80 per cent of animals and plants are unique to Australia and are found no-where else. Some of best-known animals are the kangaroo, koala, dingo, platypus, wallaby and wombat.
o 6 of the 10 most poisonous snakes in the world live in Australia. Australia's inland taipan or Coastal Taipan - the most poisonous snake in the world. The venom from a single bite can kill 100 people. o There are going more than 750,000 single-humped wild camels In Australian deserts. This is one of the largest herds in the world. o There are 3.3 times sheep more than people In Australia. Interesting facts about animal world of Australia
o Lake Hillier is located on the middle island in the archipelago Recherch in the southwest Australia. So far, the cause of pink color of its waters and have not solved. The water is extremely salty: the level of salt content in it several times higher than the level of salinity of ocean waters off the coast of Australia. o The longest living in the world structure - the Great Barrier Reef is also located in Australia. Its length is 2600 km. By the way on the Great Barrier Reef, even has its own mailbox.
o The longest straight road in the world length of 146 km is located in the Nullarbor desert. o Dingo Barrier Fence in Australia is the longest fence in the world (5400 km). It is almost twice as long as the Great Wall of China. o Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world.
o Many people see Australia as a country full of dangers, but Australians themselves satisfied with their life. For example, then no one has died from poisonous spiders since o Australia is a leader in the world rankings of the quality and duration of life; of countries where people consider themselves happy; of countries where doing business is most comfortable; of the richest countries. o Health care in Australia is worse than in Russia, but that's why people here rarely get sick. o People in this country a little smoke. o There is rare to find stray animals the street. o Australia - one of the easiest countries to do business.
o Despite the shortcomings Australia is a good choice for tourism or for permanent living. Nature and animals in Australia are striking beauty and unpredictability. That’s why I think that Australia is the best country for life. Conclusion
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