World Biomes Research By: Ms. Bebout
Tropical Rainforest Biome
Tropical Rainforests are found along the Equator and near the ocean. Biotic Characteristics of Tropical Rainforest Abiotic Characteristics, Climate, and Limiting Factors Tropical rainforests have a consistently warm, moist climate with rain 90 days per year. This is because they get direct sunlight all year long and that steady heat over the oceans produces a lot of rain. Life in the Rainforest is limited by two things, the soil and sunlight. Rainforest soil has has a very thin layer of nutrients and does not make good farm land. Without a constant rain of poop, pee, and dead stuff the rain quickly washes away all the nutrients. Sunlight is very limited at ground level because of the thick vegetation reaching for the sun..
Interesting Facts
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Savanna Biome The savanna is a grassland ecosystem with very diverse plant and animal species, both grazing animals and predators.