Update on Key Legislation Passed by the 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session
WORKFORCE NEEDS AND PROJECTIONS: HB 1296 AND SB 414 HB 1296 – three-year workforce needs projection, including the level and field of education/training needed SB 414 – identify regions that would benefit from community colleges offering BA degrees in nursing and applied science Contracted with Rand Corporation to conduct the study Survey results issued to institutions for input on the types of applied science degree fields to include in the study: – Computer and information science – Fire science and administration – Health information/medical records – Laboratory /science technician (e.g., biology, chemistry, or other) 2
GME PROGRAMS: HB 2550 AND HB 1025 HB 2550 and HB 1025 created six new programs at a total of $16.35M for the Biennium RFAs have been issued for two programs: – Planning Grants - one-time awards of $150,000 to assist entities in planning the development and establishment of new first-year GME programs. Application Deadline: November 15 – Unfilled Position Grants – to increase the number of GME first-year positions (max of 25 awards at $65,000). Application Deadline: CLOSED 3
FINANCIAL AID: SB 1158 AND SB 1159 Hazlewood program – tuition exemption for veterans and their families SB 1158 – Transferred the administration of the program from THECB to the Texas Veterans Commission – TVC engaging in negotiated rulemaking with stakeholders, including CB staff, on administrative rules SB 1159 – requires the LBB, in consultation with the THECB and TVC, to conduct a study and make recommendations to promote the sustainability, fiscal efficiency and effectiveness of the program – CB staff has been working with LBB staff on the data that will be used to conduct the study which is due December 1,
FINANCIAL AID: TEXAS GRANTS AND BOT TEXAS Grants – Community colleges will no longer participate in the program – Transfer pathway for community college students who receive a TEOG and transfer to a university upon completion of 24 SCHs with a 2.5 GPA B-On-Time Loan Program – Community colleges will no longer participate in the program – Institutions retain their proportional share of tuition set-asides collected and have more flexibility to set the award amount Staff is submitting these rule changes to the Texas Register for consideration by the full Board in January and the rules will apply in fall
TEACHER RESIDENCY: HB 1752 Designed to award teaching residents a master's degree and lead to certification for participating teaching residents who are uncertified teachers RFA issued and Notice of Intent due on October 25 and application is due on January 2 External evaluators will evaluate the applications and recommend one institution (with demonstrated investment and commitment to teacher education) for the Board’s consideration in January 2014 Two-year grant of $1.29M for up to 30 teachers Participants will receive a livable stipend (approximately $27,000) 6
STUDENT SUCCESS POINTS: RIDER 23 Requires community colleges and THECB to jointly develop recommendations for an allocation methodology for student success points that compares the college district’s performance to itself. TACC’s Metrics Task Force has developed a draft methodology with input from CB staff. The methodology will be provided to the CTC Formula Advisory Committee for consideration and inclusion in the formula funding recommendations to the Board in March
THECB CHANGES: SB 215 Powers and Duties of the Board Stakeholder Input – Negotiated Rulemaking Compliance Monitoring Allocation Methodology for: – TEG – BOT (for private institutions) – Texas College Work Study – Advisory Committee Rules – GR Briefings 8