VPD Test Design Analysis System Test Team VPD center, R&D, VCE Korea
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 2 Role and Vision System test team 은 부품, 소재 및 시스템 등에 대해서 목표수명 동안에 품질과 성능을 유지할 수 있도록 고객의 사용조건 ( 외력, 환경조건 ) 을 토대로 모든 외력과 특성을 분석하여 시험조건을 설정하고 이 시험조건을 구현할 벤치시험을 구성하여 부품 및 시스템 레벨의 내구시험 ( 유압부품, 구조물, 전장 품 ), 진동. 소음시험, 환경시험 및 소재분석을 수행함으로써 내구성 및 성능을 확보한다. System test team sets up a test specification by analyzing all the external loads and characteristics based on customer's situation (external load, environmental condition etc) so as to maintain quality and performance of components, materials of system level for target life. And system test team composes a bench test to implement this test condition and perform durability test (hydraulic components, structures, electrical parts), vibration/noise test, environment test and material analysis to secure durability and performance. 시스템 레벨단계의 구조물, 유압부품 및 전장 품에 대해서 선행적으로 각종 벤치시험 및 환경시험 등을 실시하여 신제품개발 프로세스의 detailed development 단계에서 시험 및 평가를 실시하여 기술을 선도한다. It is planned to perform various bench tests and environment test in advance for structures, hydraulic components and electrical parts of system level and to lead test and evaluate technology in the Detailed Development phase of new product process.
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 3 Role and Vision of System Test Team System test team sets up a test specification by analyzing all the external loads and characteristics based on customer's situation (external load, environmental condition etc) so as to maintain quality and performance of components, materials of system level for target life. And system test team composes a bench test to implement this test condition and perform durability test (hydraulic components, structures, electrical parts), vibration/noise test, environment test and material analysis to secure durability and performance.
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 4 Role and Vision of System Test Team It is planned to perform various bench tests and environment test in advance for structures, hydraulic components and electrical parts of system level and to lead test and evaluate technology in the Detailed Development phase of new product process.
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 5 System Test Organization Define the engineering groups based on the excavator system model System Test Structure Power System & Control Noise & Fluid Thermal Structure (4) Material Technicians(3) Vibration (1)Cooling (1) Fluid Thermal (1) Noise (3)Hydraulic (1) Power system (1) Control system (1) Elec. S/W (1) Steel (3) Polymer (1) Structure & Vibration (1)
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 6 System Test Definition : Parts and components combination, Real operational loading, Component & system coupling effect, functions and systems integration Prepare the system test benches of critical engineering paths in all 4 systems areas Simulate the real applications through rigorous correlation analysis Execute the systems level verification tests Perform metallurgical failure analyses on functional components & parts to find root causes of failures. Noise & cooling test (1) Power performance test (2) Power durability test (2) NVH refinement test(0.5) ATT bench test (2) 6D upper structure durability test (1) [Structure] [Power] [Control] [Human] Swing system durability test (2) Control system test Cab/HVAC system test (1) System tuning test (0.3) Travel system durability test (2) Material analysis RR test for U/C [Structure] [Power] [Control] [Human] [Material]
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 7 Structure field test Structure field test & analysis : 실제 사용조건하에서 Field test 을 실시, stress history 을 측정하고 Damage 분석, 강도평가 및 피로수명 등을 평가 Test item: Attachment, Lower frame, Upper frame, etc Facility & S/W ItemSpecQTY Data acquisition system64ch1set Potable DAQ16ch2 set SoftwareN-Soft4 set 일반토양 굴삭 선회충격 암석 상차 암석 긁기 석산, 암반 선회충격
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 8 Machine noise test Objectives – 소음법규를 만족하는 저소음 굴삭기를 개발하여 조용하고 안락한 작업이 될 수 있도록 운전자 및 외부 환경 관점에서의 소음 평가를 실시합니다. –Evaluation of exterior and interior machine noise by noise regulation 2000/14/EC EU noise Directive ISO 6395 ISO 6396 Specification (Capacity) –Scope: all excavator products Applicable Test Case –Sound power –Sound pressure Noise Test Field
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 9 Structure bench test Structure test & analysis : 구조물 및 component 의 강도시험, 실제 사용조건에서의 Field test, 필드 하중조건을 구현하는 bench 시험을 통하여 강도 및 내구성을 검증하고 또한 운전석의 ROPS, TOPS 등의 인증시험을 수행 Test item: Attachment bench test, Lower frame bench test, Cab ROPS test, Structure field test, etc Facility & S/W ItemSpecQTY Data acquisition system (HP3852S) 120ch1set Fatigue test machine 30ton/300mm1 set 30ton/200mm2 set 20ton/ 200mm1 set 20ton/ 300mm1 set 10mm/400mm1 set 50ton/ 200mm2 set Lower Frame Bench TestAttachment Bench Test Cab Test (ROPS) ForceStrokeUnit 250kN250mm2 500kN250mm4 1,000kN250mm5 New Attachment Bench Test - Increase fatigue life evaluation accuracy more than 70% - Constant amplitude loading real operational loading - Multi-axial fatigue test - Launching schedule: 2008 Specification
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 10 Objectives – 굴삭기의 작업장에서 사용되는 실제 사용 상태 작업 조건을 3 차원 6 자유도 운동으로 정확하게 실시간 구현하여 진동 내구성 평가를 실시합니다. –accelerated durability test of major components and upper structure assembly Specification (Capacity) –6 DOF real motion simulator –Scope: major components and up to 90 ton grade upper structure Applicable Test Case –Accelerated durability test Upper frame Cabin & electric Engine component Hydraulics Tanks/cowl frame etc Vibration durability test major components vibration durability test Upper structure vibration durability test
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 11 Noise & Cooling test Test Specifications: –Semi-anechoic room (Cutoff 100Hz, Background noise 35dB, 10.39W X 7H X 13.19L(m)) –HVAC facility inside semi-anechoic room (constant temp. & humidity) –Test facility for Airflow / Cooling / Noise and Test bench model –Control system / Data acquisition system with wireless data transfer –Hydraulic load simulator with a part performance test facility Applicable Test Cases Noise Sound Pressure Sound Power Acoustic Intensity Acoustic Playback and Design Air-flow Engine Room's Airflow Visualization Engine Room's Airflow Field (Temp./Pressure/Velocity) Engine Room's Airflow Resistance Cooling Heat Exchanger's Air Volume Rate Heat Exchanger Module’s Performance Heat Exchanger Thermal Distribution Heat Exchanger 's Optimized Install
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 12 Component 내구 시험을 System 으로 통합하여 유효성을 검증 Power performance & durability test Test Specifications – 엔진, 펌프, MCV, 실린더와 유압 부품 류의 내구성 검증 ( 수명, 진동, 마모, 누출 ) – 실제 부하 조건을 통한 성능의 검증 – 에너지 효율, 연료 소모량, 오일 오염도 분석 – 압력 손실에 의한 열 부하 계측 – 범위 : 90 ton 굴삭기 이상, 400 bar 이상 Applicable Test Case – 엔진 & 펌프 내구성 시험 –Items: 엔진 & 펌프 – MCV & 실린더 내구성 시험 –Items: MCV & actuators – 동력 시스템 성능 시험 –Items: 시스템 효율 ( 압력차, 온도차, Q), 연료 소모량 Engine Performance TestMCV Performance Test Cylinder Durability Test Turning Joint Durability Test Load Simulator Integration
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 13 Electro-Hydraulic control test Test Specifications – 전유 제어 시스템 및 제어 Algorithm 개발 / 시험 – 전유 제어 시스템 Design/Test Guideline 개발 Applicable Test Case – 유압 및 전유 제어 단품 및 Sub-System Level 성능 및 특성 시험 M DAQ Control Panel Real-time Controller DAQ Control Panel M M Universal Performance Bench Electro-Hydraulic Test Bed
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 14 Environment test Test Specifications: –Test work in chamber (4000W X 4725D X 4150H) –Air condition cycle bench system (-40~100oC, accuracy ±0.2oC) –Sun Load system (0~1200 kcal/m3hr, control 1 kcal/m3hr) –Thermal shock test system High temp.: within 15 minute, accuracy ± 1.0oC Low temp.: within 20 minute, accuracy ± 1.0oC –Electronic break system Applicable Test Cases –Key Life Test (1 cycle : Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) –Extra Temperature Durability Test –Thermal shock Test
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 15 Swing system durability test Objectives Verify durability of swing system Reduce test time & cost Specification (Capacity) –Accelerated by motors –Loaded by pump –Expected energy regeneration efficiency : 40% Applicable Test –Accelerated fatigue & wear test – ( up to 90 ton class) Swing ring & pinion gear Swing bearing Swing motor Swing reduction gear Grease sealing
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 16 Material devel. & Failure analysis Materials laboratory is a group of specialists in the field of applied material science and technology within VCE EXC. BL. by implementing various failure analyses for finding out the root causes and materials developments of functional components and parts, material testing, material selection, steel approvals, and other material related engineering issues. 소재응용연구그룹은 재료공학과 제반 소재가공기술을 적용하여 각종 기능부품의 소재 및 열처리 품질 신뢰성평가와 열처리 특성 모사해석 / 시험을 통해 각종 부품의 공정설계를 수행하고, 신제품개발, 강재 승인은 물론 시장으로부터 발생하는 다양한 손상부품의 신속하고 정확한 원인규명을 실시하여 Quick & Complete solution 을 제공하는 소재전문가 그룹입니다. 소재그룹은 합금설계, 열처리, 표면개질처리, 내식성 및 마찰마모 평가기술 등의 기반기술을 적용하여 당사 제품 군의 내마모 소재기술 및 Component 기능부품의 열처리공정 등을 설계, 응용은 물론 독자적인 연구개발과제 및 의뢰업무를 진행하고, 한편으로 소재 국산화과제를 통해 원가절감과제, 품질개선과제 등을 통하여 품질제고에 일익을 담당하고 있다. 주 업무 중의 하나로써 현업부서의 needs 에 대응코자 재질과 열처리 관련 애로기술 Trouble shooting 은 물론 양산 완성 차의 Component 및 주요 부품의 Field Trouble 에 대한 Failure Analysis 원인분석에 소재분석기술을 적용하여 신속하고 정확한 인자규명과 재발방지를 위한 대안제시를 통해 품질 VOLVO 에 핵심 역할을 수행하고 있다. 아울러 각종 금속재료의 물성 평가, 분석을 아울러 겸하고 있으며 또한, 설계 및 구매, 품질 등 제반 생산활동 각 분야에 필요한 소재 애로기술을 consulting 제공하고 지원하여 당사 제품 군의 신뢰성 제고에 일익을 담당하고 있다.
Volvo Construction Equipment VPD, System test VPD Test Design Analysis VPD, System Test 17 Analysis & Evaluation Equipment Fractography by Scanning EM Topography X-ray Spectrometer with EDS Microstructural Examination Ferrography test Specimen Preparation Impact Tests Hardness Tests NSS Corrosion Tests Various Wear Tests Const/Temp & Humid. Chamber Heat treatment Tests & Simulation Jominy Test Tensile Tests Emission Spectrometer 아울러 각종 금속재료의 물성 평가, 분석을 아울러 겸하고 있으며 또한, 설계 및 구매, 품질 등 현장 각 분야에 필요한 소재요소기술을 제공하여 당사 제품 군의 신뢰성 제고에 일익을 담당하고 있다. 특성화된 분석설비로 조직분석, 평가를 위해 필수적인 Micro & Macro 광학현미경, 파면해석에 필수적인 초고배율의 주사전자현미경과 조직 내부의 상의 분포와 함량비율을 측정할 수 있는 상분석기등은 물론 기계적 물성 평가를 위해 각종 경도기, 충격시험기, 마찰마모시험기, 염수분무시험기, 열처리경화능 시험기와 재질 화학성분 분석용 Spectrometer 등을 갖추고 과제 및 분석업무에 적극적으로 이를 활용하고 있다.