Inti Lehmann Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Darmstadt, Germany 2nd PhD Science GSI 2014 – 11 August 2014 FAIR – Facility for Antiproton.


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Presentation transcript:

Inti Lehmann Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Darmstadt, Germany 2nd PhD Science GSI 2014 – 11 August 2014 FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research

FAIR Science Sketch QCD phase transition - CBM temperature time Hadron structure - PANDA Hadron structure - PANDA Astrophysics and nuclear structure - NUSTAR Astrophysics and nuclear structure - NUSTAR Atomic, applied and plasma physics - APPA Atomic, applied and plasma physics - APPA big bang Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/20142

The FAIR Project Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/20143 NUSTAR radioactive ion beams NUSTAR radioactive ion beams PANDA antiproton beams PANDA antiproton beams CBM relativistic nuclear collisions CBM relativistic nuclear collisions APPA ions, antiprotons APPA ions, antiprotons

UNILAC SIS18 SIS100/300 p-Linac HESR CR & RESR NESR Cryring Rare-Isotope Production Target Anti-Proton Production Target 100 m Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Inti Lehmann4FAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/2014

UNILAC SIS18 SIS100/300 p-Linac HESR CR & RESR NESR Cryring Rare-Isotope Production Target Anti-Proton Production Target 100 m Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Primary Beams /s; 1.5 GeV/u; 238 U /s 238 U 73+ up to 35 GeV/u 3x10 13 /s 30 GeV protons Secondary Beams Storage and Cooler Rings radioactive beams antiprotons GeV/c, stored and cooled Technical Challenges cooled beams, rapid cycling superconducting magnets range of radioactive beams up to GeV/u; up to factor higher in intensity than presently antiprotons GeV Inti Lehmann5FAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/2014

The 4 Scientific Pillars of FAIR APPA: Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications CBM: Compressed Baryonic Matter NUSTAR: Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions PANDA: Antiproton Annihilations at Darmstadt Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/20146

APPA Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications  About 700 members  Wide field of science basic research to material, biological and medical applications Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/20147 APPA Atomic Physics SPARC: 284 members from 26 countries FLAIR: 144 members from 15 countries Plasma Physics HEDgeHOB & WDM: 175 members from 16 countries Materials Research and Biophysics BIOMAT: 110 members from 12 countries

APPA Science Case Highest Charge States Extreme Static Fields Relativistic Energies Extreme Dynamical Fields and Ultrashort Pulses High Intensities Very High Energy Densities and Pressures High Charge at Low Velocity Large Energy Deposition Low-Energy Anti-Protons Antimatter Research Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/20148 planetary interiors... states of matter common in astrophysical objects extreme conditions... radiation hardness and modification of materials Plasma Bio aerospace engineering... radiation shielding of cosmic radiation Materials anti-matter... matter / anti- matter asymmetry strong field research... probing of fundamental laws of physics Atomic Physics SPARC FLAIRHEDgeHOB/WDM MAT/BIOMAT BIO/BIOMAT

CBM Compressed Baryonic Matter  About 400 members Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/20149 CBM

CBM Physics Case The equation-of-state at high baryonic density New phases of strongly-interacting matter Deconfinement phase transition at high baryonic density QCD critical endpoint Onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high baryonic density Strange matter Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ Courtesy of T. Hatsuda FAIR RHIC, LHC

Dipol magnet Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector Transition Radiation Detectors Resistive Plate Chambers (TOF) Electro- magnetic Calorimeter Silicon Tracking Stations Tracking Detector Muon detection System Projectile Spectator Detector (Calorimeter) Vertex Detector Inti Lehmann11FAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/2014 CBM Detector

NUSTAR Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions  About 800 members Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ NUSTAR Super- FRS

13 NUSTAR – Physics Case Nuclear structure Underlying QCD structure → complex nucleon-nucleon force Study of exotic short lived nuclei far off stability (proton/ neutron skins or halos, new magic numbers...) → Pave way for theoretical framework with predictive power for nuclei beyond experimental reach Astrophysics Origin of the heavy elements? Physics of stellar explosions (core-collapse, thermonuclear supernovae, nucleosynthesis) Compact objects and the explosions on their surfaces (x-ray bursts) Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/2014

GSI FRS  FAIR Super-FRS Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ Super-FRS FRS

PANDA Antiproton Annihilations at Darmstadt  About 500 members Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ PANDA

PANDA Physics Case Gluonic excitations  Hybrids, glueballs Charmonium states  Precision spectroscopy Time-like  Form factors, nucleon structure In medium mass modifications  Extension to the charm sector Extension of nuclear chart  Double hypernuclei And much more... Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ DD 50 MeV D D+D+  K 25 MeV 100 MeV K+K+ KK  

Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ PANDA Experimental Set-Up Fixed target magnetic spectrometer experiment Beam Interaction point Interaction point Target Spectrometer Forward Spectrometer Solenoid Dipole

Steering company International Convention Partners FAIR GmbH SwedenFranceIndiaFinlandGermanyPolandUKRomaniaRussiaSlovenia Wiesbaden, 2010 Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/201418

Partners and Funding Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ All numbers in 2005 € escalation until 2018 ca. +50% i.e. about € 1.6 billion Most contributions in-kind Discussions with Spain and Italy on-going Interested parties ESA, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, China, Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine, S Korea, Japan, USA

Synchrotrons: 1.1 km HESR: 0.6 km With beamlines: 3.2 km Existing SIS 18 Civil Construction Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ Total area > m 2 Area buildings ~ m 2 Usable area ~ m 2 Volume of buildings ~ m 3 Substructure:~ 1500 pillars, up to 65 m deep

Google Earth for FAIR km Civil Construction: Satellite’s View Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ TypeMass (t) Soil out m Soil in m Concrete m Reinforcement steel t Other t

Bird’s View Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/201422

Piles FAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/2014Inti Lehmann23 Finished May piles

Accelerator’s Status Progressing well SIS 100 dipoles  First series del.+tested SIS 100 sextopoles  Dubna prototype HEBT magnets  Efremov, St Petersburg SIS 100 quadrupoles  JINR, Dubna Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/201424

Collaboration Members by Country Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/201425

How to Work for/at FAIR Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ Many opportunities in the future  3000 researchers world wide  Facility will grow  Many scientists will be needed in the coming years  Opportunities after merger (next year) What to do now as researcher – my personal view  Join international research group engaged in FAIR  About 150 groups  In 51 countries  At the heart of science  Cutting edge developments

From 2019 onwards Inti LehmannFAIR, GSI-Science-Day, 11/8/ QCD phase transition - CBM temperature time Hadron structure - PANDA Hadron structure - PANDA Astrophysics and nuclear structure - NUSTAR Astrophysics and nuclear structure - NUSTAR Atomic, applied and plasma physics - APPA Atomic, applied and plasma physics - APPA big bang