Department of Mathematics and Science Office of Academics and Transformation Ms. Glenda Moton, CSS Millard Lightburn, Ph.D. Supervisor MDCPS Elementary Science Summer Science Symposium 2013 Grade 3 Day 1
Name Tent Use blank sheet of paper to make a name tent Front: First Name Back: School Name and years teaching Share with group something special that happened in your class this year.
Guidelines for 2013 Summer Symposium Place phones on vibrate. Breaks: am ( 15 min) and pm (15 min) Lunch: 11:15am – 12:15m Bathrooms location Stipends requirements: 100% attendance for all three days (8:30am-3:30pm)and turn in follow-up. Daily Reflections Follow-up: Prepare 5 E lesson plan Due at the end of the session LOGISTICS
Participate actively Ask questions Learn by doing Set your own learning into action NORMS
Day One Agenda Welcome Remarks / Ice Breaker Overview of District Website (resources) Pacing Guide-Year at a Glance (Common Core) Interactive Notebook (IAN) / What is Science? Formative Assessment – Doing Science LUNCH Article: Why Teach the Nature of Science? Practicing Science - Process Skills (Hands-on Sweet Observations) GIZMOS Thinking Like a Scientist (Hands-on STEM Building Bridges) Daily Reflection
Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: – Access science instructional resources to support science teaching and learning – Identify effective instructional strategies to integrate technology and cross-curricula – Implement best science instructional practices – Plan and model scientific thinking through hands on investigations – Enhance science interaction between students – Provide differentiated instruction in science
Ice Breaker
Pacing Guide Year-At-A-Glance Year-At-A-Glance doc
Grade 3 Pacing Guide Year-at-a-Glance 9
Grade 4 - Fair Game Benchmarks 3 rd Nine Weeks Big Idea 16: Heredity and Reproduction SC.4.L.16.1 Flowering Plant Reproduction (AA as SC.3.L.14.1) SC.4.L.16.4 Life Cycles of Florida’s Plants and Animals AA Big idea 17: Interdependence SC.4.L.17.3 Flow of Energy AA 4 th Nine Weeks Big Idea 6: Earth Structures SC.4.E.6.2 Properties of Minerals AA SC.4.E.6.1 Types of Rocks SC.4.P.8.1 Measure and compare objects(rocks) based on properties SC.4.E.6.5 Tools and Technology SC.4.E.6.4 Weathering and Erosion AA SC.4.E.6.3 Natural Resources AA SC.4.E.6.6 Florida’s Natural Resources Big Idea 5: Earth in Space and Time SC.4.E.5.4 Relationship among Earth, Moon, Sun & Stars AA SC.4.E.5.1 Patterns of Stars SC.4.E.5.3 Earth’s Movement SC.4.E.5.2 Phases of the Moon Department of Mathematics and Science Prior Knowledge (Fair Game): Items may require the student to apply scientific knowledge described in NGSSS benchmarks from lower grades; however, the benchmarks from lower grades will not be assessed in isolation. FCAT 2.0 will assess content taught in lower grades although not retaught in 5 th.
Common Core State Standards Connections Currently we continue to use the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS); however, during teaching and learning, whenever applicable connections to Common Core State Standards in Language Arts and Mathematics need to be established. Common Core benchmarks are aligned to Science courses in the M-DCPS Pacing Guides All benchmarks should be taught since they are foundational for the next grade level.
Also found in Pacing Guide Topic I in Grades 3-5
Science Department Website Resources Department of Mathematics and Science
Learning Village Available Resource LinksPacing Guides Department of Mathematics and Science
Discovery Education Department of Mathematics and Science
PBS Learning Media Department of Mathematics and Science
NBC Learn Department of Mathematics and Science
15 min. Break
Interactive Notebooks (IAN) Interactive Notebooks (IAN)
What is Science? What is Science?
Science Formative Assessment (Probe) Doing Science Doing Science From: Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Formative Assessment Probes By: Page Keeley – NSTA Press
Article Jigsaw Article Jigsaw Why Teach the Nature of Science? Article Jigsaw Article Jigsaw
Germination Germination Gizmos Germination Germination
Practicing Science Hands-on Activity
15 min. Break
Thinking Like a Scientist! Inquiry and the Scientific Method STEM Activity Hands-on
The Power of Science Science isn’t just memorizing facts. The new standards will help students understand how science works. The scientific skills and attitudes students learn will provide them with powerful problem-solving skills. Every student deserves to benefit from scientific thinking.
Slip Day One Reflection 1.Today I learned ………………………. 2. Questions I still have………………. Department of Mathematics and Science
SAVE the Date: October , 2013 Florida Association of Science Teachers Conference 2013 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Miami Airport Convention Center October 24-26, 2013 Join the magical experience of learning new science curriculum and methods while gaining new resources and skills that will spark magic in your teaching. to Go to