Hearing Impairment Speech Language and Communication Occupational therapy Admin/Finance Support Number of schools/ families visited: Number of schools visited/ training delivered: Number of schools visited: Number of Pupils on caseload Number of classes worked with: Number of pupils on caseload Training Impact: Impact:Next Steps: Next Steps Westminster Special Schools Training and Outreach Team Service Overview September 2014 to May 2015 Bespoke training offered to schools across the tri-borough in all areas of SLCN Class Observations alongside therapist to ensure the academic progress and well being of pupils with SLCN Modelling and whole class working alongside a therapist to develop quality first teaching at the universal level for all children. Mindfulness program delivered to year 3 and above Transition program for vulnerable children moving to Year 7 Training Impact: SLCN reports 100% good or better impact on practice from schools receiving support Joint working across the tri-borough to provide all parents of new born babies identified with HI immediate support in line with the NHSP guidelines. Advice/ training to schools/ nurseries to ensure the academic progress and well being of pupils with HI Provision and maintenance of FM systems Loan of Sound-field Systems to school Listening checks for all children 117 pupils from 0-19 Total visits 31 schools and 5 families All courses advertised, booked, administered on site. 100% positive feed back from external trainers Roughly 100 staff have received training across the tri- borough. 96% rated training as very good or excellent, having significant impact on knowledge and practice. 0.8 Tod Appointed for Sept 2015 Close working with Deaf Unit at St Augustine’s High Parent groups Deaf role models Further FM provision AV training 35 schools visited, training delivered across Tri-Borough and out of borough 13 classes, working alongside therapists to embed strategies. Provide occupational therapy in a timely and effective way to children with SEN on statements Child on a statement with OT provision in part 3 Assessment, intervention and advice on the OT needs of individual students High quality training regularly available for teachers, LSA’s and SENCo’s Provide administrative support to the training and outreach team Reply to information requests regarding training and outreach Record and update data to provide reports and statistic for team Advertise and organise training programs Organise and manage booking invoices and payments related to the training and outreach Complete training in new finance system Liaise with speaker through out the tri-borough association and services Create advertising materials and newsletters/flyers to promote events Number of s/ enquiries: Significant number of s/phone support a day. Continue to develop Research in Education SIG Develop new training packages to meet changing needs Develop manual based on sustained collaborative practice. Increase out of Borough working to heighten team profile 83 students aged tribunals in Term 6 48 schools, Number of schools /families visited: Number of schools visited: Number of courses provided: Number of pupils on caseload SENCOs supported through: Training Impact : Training Impact/ Interventions Impact Training Impact: Number of pupils on caseload: Next Steps: Training Centre Autism Outreach Visual Impairment Manager/Inclusion Consultant SENCo advice, guidance & support Lesson observations/Focussed learning walks Data support Advice on interventions and quality first teaching for SEND pupils Guidance on SEND documentation and relevant paperwork needed 25 Primary school visits (incl. RBKC & LBHF and out of Tri-borough) Tri-Borough SENCo network meeting Promoting peer support Visits to school Support schools with Children and Families Bill and new SEND CoP To support inexperienced and/or unqualified SENCos across the borough 95% of online evaluations showing positive impact requesting further support 21 schools and 17 families totalling 289 visits over the year 130 on caseload ranging from 0-22 At least 92% rated training excellent or very good; 99% rated training relevant. Training offered centrally and in schools around individual children. Parent support groups Training on iPad use with VI pupils Training offer on ‘identifying vi’ Continue to develop knowledge and understanding of CVI Monitoring visits to homes, Early Years Settings and Schools Assessment of babies and young people with on-going advice Vision Training programmes with families Pupil training on access equipment and braille Day courses on VI Bespoke transition training for schools Continue to develop the service offer, in line with the new COP. Expand and develop our offer of bespoke consultation and training in line with the new charging policy. Expansion of support offered to parents thru Early Bird and Cygnet CPD for the team around early years Bespoke training offered to schools across the tri-borough Parent groups offered KS1-KS5 Consultation/ training to schools/ nurseries to ensure the academic progress and well being of pupils with ASD Modelling/training to schools and nurseries to develop sustainable interventions to support pupils with Autism to achieve in all areas Programmes to support pupils to understand their diagnosis Joint working with Clinical Psychology & SALT including CARS assessment Appointment of 3 rd member of Autism team Easter on caseload ranging from approximately 140 without statement support 52 schools supported in Westminster from EY-to Post Sixteen provisions, including consultation and bespoke training in a number of specialist, private early years, and out of borough provisions. 99% of Autism training rated ‘Good or Excellent’ 100% of parents and professionals ‘Strongly Agreed’ that the Early Bird Plus made them more confident in their ability to meet their child’s needs 100% of parents could identify multiple areas where they were more confident in their understanding of ASD after the Cygnet course. Assessed LEGO therapy interventions continue to show significant progress for 100% of students Numbers of tri-borough schools attending Westminster Schools & Services 48% H&F and RBK&C Schools & Services 42% Out of Tri-Borough Schools and Services 10% To offer high quality SEND training to schools and settings and other professionals across the tri-borough to maximise the learning outcomes for pupils with SEND To provide a venue to internationally renowned researchers of SEND topics to disseminate the latest ideas to schools and settings 99% of courses were judged to be ‘relevant’ or ‘very relevant’ to developing classroom practices Use data from SENCo Survey to inform provision of courses for 2015/16 Link outreach courses as a series of training as in the ASD model. Develop Social Network profile of the training centre 45 courses run in the Access and Inclusion Centre: 16 delivered by the team, 7 with other professionals, 21 by outside trainers Continue to develop closer working with NHS OTs