NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 NEAREST PROJECT CNRST Contribution to WP5 activities Birouk A. ING-CNRST National Center for Scientific and Technical.


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Presentation transcript:

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 NEAREST PROJECT CNRST Contribution to WP5 activities Birouk A. ING-CNRST National Center for Scientific and Technical Research National Institute of Geophysics

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Plan Seismic Data sharing and integration Seismic Data sharing and integration Contribution of the CNRST to the Tide gauge Network Contribution of the CNRST to the Tide gauge Network

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Workpackge N° 5 Data integration/ Integrated tsunami detection Network Objectives: Integration of data collected in real time, collection of waveforms from different permanent landbased networks with the data collected by OBS array and seafloor observatory Description of work Task 5.1: Establishment of 3 data collectors for real-time automatic processing of data (one in Portugal, the other in Spain and a 3rd one in Morocco) Task 5.2: Waveform sharing between data collectors, integration of seismic data including OBSs Task 5.3: Integration of tide gauge data Task 5.4: Integration of multiparameter data from seafloor observatory Task 5.5: Development of automatic procedures for rapid determination of seismic parameters and definition of thresholds for triggering the tsunami detection procedures Task 5.6: Development of an effective tsunami detection methodology. Definition of thresholds for issuing different levels of alarm messages

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Contribution of the CNRST to WP5: Seismic Data sharing and integration: current state CNRST-Rabat reception from IM of Lisbon since 20/5/08 PM_PVAQ BB station (since 20/5/08) Digitiser: Guralp DM24 Sensor: Guralp CMG-3T (120 sec) PM_PESTR BB station (since 20/5/08) Digitiser: Guralp DM24 Sensor: Guralp CMG-3T (120 sec) PM_PFVI BB station (since 18/11/08) Digitiser: Guralp DM24 Sensor: Guralp CMG-3ESPc (120 sec) IM of Lisbon reception from Rabat RTC-Rabat VBB station (since 20/5/08) Digitiser: Quanterra 680 Sensor: VBB Streikeisen STS-1 (320 sec) One or two news BB stations wil be availaible in few months to IM and UGR nodes Data sharing with UGR regional center of Spain (node): not yet available because data acquisition system in Spanish node is based on another system not compatible with Seiscomp. In few months this problem will be fixed and 2 BB stations will be availaible in real time to Rabat node.

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 RABAT RTC VBB STATION

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Reception in real time of Seismic data in Rabat node


NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Dual Modem DUAL HUB Data Acquisition & Processing System Antelope

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 The development of the Early Warning System (EWS) Prototype is based on the integration of The development of the Early Warning System (EWS) Prototype is based on the integration of land recorded seismic data land recorded seismic data deep ocean water height deep ocean water height near-shore tide gauge data. near-shore tide gauge data. Actually there is a lack of coverage by real time tide gauge of the southern part of Moroccan-Iberian region Actually there is a lack of coverage by real time tide gauge of the southern part of Moroccan-Iberian region the localisation in morocco of a new real time tide gauge will fill the lack and will improve greatly the reliability of the Tsunami early warning System prototype the localisation in morocco of a new real time tide gauge will fill the lack and will improve greatly the reliability of the Tsunami early warning System prototype CNRST contribution to development of TEWS by acquiring a digital tide gauge CNRST contribution to development of TEWS by acquiring a digital tide gauge Near shore Sea level data transmitted in near real time to Rabat data collector Near shore Sea level data transmitted in near real time to Rabat data collector Availability Data in near real time to others data collector Availability Data in near real time to others data collector Installation planned in less than 3 months in Moroccan Atlantic cost Installation planned in less than 3 months in Moroccan Atlantic cost WP5: Rabat Data Collector Acquisition and installation of near real time digital tide gauge

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Manufacturers contacted: Manufacturers contacted: Sensor: Sensor: OTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KGOTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG KROHNKROHN VEGAVEGA Acquisition System (logger): Acquisition System (logger): OTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KGOTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG KROHNKROHN ELTAELTA Campbell ScientificCampbell Scientific Best Quality/price ratio by OTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH Best Quality/price ratio by OTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH Sensor: Kalesto type Radar technology Sensor: Kalesto type Radar technology Acquisition System : OTT DuoSens Acquisition System : OTT DuoSens analogical inputs: 2 (voltage,curent,PT100)analogical inputs: 2 (voltage,curent,PT100) digital inputs: 2 impulse, 1 SDI-12 and RS-485;digital inputs: 2 impulse, 1 SDI-12 and RS-485; Control : RS-232 or Infrared IrDA;Control : RS-232 or Infrared IrDA; Sampling: 5s-24h;Sampling: 5s-24h; Transmission: dial-up line,GSM, GPRS, ADSL and satelliteTransmission: dial-up line,GSM, GPRS, ADSL and satellite acquisition and processing: Hydra 3 software: acquisition and processing: Hydra 3 software: WP5: Rabat Data Collector Acquisition and installation of near real time digital tide gauge

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Morocco land seismic BB stations node (CNRST) Spain land seismic BB stations node (UGR) Near real time Internet link TIDE GAUGE DATA INTEGRATION TO RABAT DATA COLLECTOR Portugal land seismic BB stations node (IM) ADSL transmission Tide gauge Logger ADSL MODEM VPN TELECOM OPER -Tide Gauge Acquisition cost: ~ Euro -Tide Gauge Installation cost:~ 1500 Euro -Tide Gauge oparating Cost: ~ 120 Euro / month

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Water level sensor KALESTO-OTT Radar sensor

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Tide gauge acquisition System

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Communcations possibilities of Tide gauge acquisition System

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Moroccan tide gauge network Moroccan tide gauge network operated since 2003 by DPDPM and ANCFCC. (Ref: Intergouvernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Technical Visit Report, 4th - 12th February 2007) ANP: 10 Tide gauges: -VEGAPULS 65 Radar Sensor -AURORE 200 datalogger. Martec/Serpe-IESM -Data is recorded every 10 minutes but presently only a Flash memory is used -Data sent as an attachment to an on a monthly or 3 monthly period from all ports ANCFCC: 2 Tide gauges - Mors HT200 Acoustic - No information availaible on data storage and transmission

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Harbours prospection for installation of tide gauge: Sidi Abed Marina (nearby Rabat)

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Harbours prospection for installation of tide gauge: Mohamadia Harbour

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 Moroccan tide gauge network Exemple of tide gauge installation, Agadir Harbour

NEAREST meeting Barcelona May 2008 CNRST- ANP BEGINNING OF COOPERATION Possibilities of cooperation on tsunami hazard assesment (accses to ANP tide database) Possibilities of cooperation on tsunami hazard assesment (accses to ANP tide database) Installation of CNRST TG in Harbour managed by ANP Installation of CNRST TG in Harbour managed by ANP data exchange in real time between CNRST and ANP data exchange in real time between CNRST and ANP CNRST can take in charge upgrading of data transmission possibilities of the current tide gauge in tangier CNRST can take in charge upgrading of data transmission possibilities of the current tide gauge in tangier it will result in two real time TG for the benefit of our NEAREST project it will result in two real time TG for the benefit of our NEAREST project