6D Gauge-Higgs unification with custodial symmetry Yutaka Sakamura (KEK) in collaboration with Yoshio Matsumoto (Sokendai) [arXiv: ] July 25, 2014SUSY England
Introduction July 25, 2014SUSY England Gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) Higher-dim. gauge sym. protects the Higgs mass against quantum correction. Higgs = [Manton, 1979; Fairlie, 1979; Hosotani, 1983; …] Simplest model 5D U(3) model on S /Z (flat spacetime) 5D SO(5)xU(1) model on S /Z (warped spacetime) [Scrucca, Serone, Silvestrini, Wulzer, 2004; …] [Agashe, Contino, Pomarol, 2005; …] 1/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England Wilson line phase : In 5D GHU, quadratic (1 loop) quartic (1 loop) In 6D GHU, quadratic (1 loop) quartic (tree) [Agashe, Contino, Pomarol, 2005; …] must be small, i.e., 2/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England Gauge group : simple group We consider 6D GHU on. We focus on models with the custodial symmetry. The Weinberg angle is obtained by adjusting. (gauge couplings) can deviate from 1 even at tree-level due to the mixing with the KK modes. 3/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England [Agashe, Contino, Da Rold, Pomarol, 2006] Rank 2 Rank 3 Custodial symmetry 4/13 Select viable gauge group, orbifold, and representations of the matters. Purpose
July 25, 2014SUSY England EW sym. is broken by a bidoublet Higgs: Symmetry breaking Rank 2 Rank 3 orbifold (at the fixed point) orbifold 5/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England SO(5) : G : 2 Rank 2 SU(4) : SO(7) : Sp(6) : Rank 3 Irreducible decomposition 6/13
where and. July 25, 2014SUSY England T /Z orbifold 2 N Orbifold conditions (N=2,3,4,6) Cartan generator Zero-mode conditions roots of G 7/13 fixed points
July 25, 2014SUSY England Number of Higgs bidoublets 8/13
We focus on the third generation quarks. July 25, 2014SUSY England Matter sector 6D fermion : 6D chirality 4D chirality belongs to an irreducible rep. of G. 9/13 is restricted by the condition for the VEV alignment of.
July 25, 2014SUSY England VEVs must be aligned as. Higgs bidoublet : VEV alignment The alignment can be achieved if 10/13
2.The corresponding weights are related as 3. have zero-modes in, and have zero-modes in. July 25, 2014SUSY England Conditions for the VEV alignment Among the representations such that, only of SU(4) satisfies the above conditions. Top Yukawa 11/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England of SU(4) By orbifolding, Only on T /Z, there is a choice of the orbifold conditions that satisfy the condition /13
Summary Gauge-Higgs unification on T /Z with custodial symmetry is considered. The requirements we demanded are July 25, 2014SUSY England A Scalar bidoublet zero-mode exists. 2 N The best candidate is, and. provides a right size group factor for the top Yukawa coupling. The bosonic sector is symmetric under. The top and bottom quarks are coupled to through. 13/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England If we obtain includes includes, If and only has zero-modes, we obtain After integrating out unnecessary modes, Yukawa couplings 14/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England Tree-level mass relations: 15/13
July 25, 2014SUSY England16/13 Weight simple root Zero-mode conditions integer