The Eisenhower Years
Election of 1952 ▪ “I Like Ike”—Dwight D. Eisenhower runs for President ▪ Richard Nixon as running mate ▪ Democrats run Adlai Stevenson as candidate ▪ Ike won with pledge to “Go to Korea” ▪ 55% pop. Vote and in electoral college
Domestic Policies ▪ Modern Republicanism: balanced budget, maintained New Deal Programs, raised minimum wage, built public housing, increased Social Security, established Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. ▪ Interstate Highway System ▪ Highest standard of living in world ▪ 1956 election: greater margin than ‘52 election but Democrats gain control of Congress.
Eisenhower and the Cold War ▪ Secretary of State: John Foster Dulles-aggressive policy, hardline toward Communism (“Brinkmanship”) ▪ Massive retaliation – Constantly creating new and better weapons. Eisenhower refused to use nuclear weapons in various skirmishes that emerged during this period.
Decolonization ▪ Between , dozens of colonies in Africa & Asia gained independence from former colonial powers (Britain, France, Netherlands) ▪ Asia: India & Pakistan in 1947, Indonesia in 1949 ▪ Africa: Ghana in 1957, followed by many others ▪ These countries lacked stable economic & political institutions became pawns in the Cold War
Foreign Policy ▪ Covert Action v. direct use of troops ▪ Less expensive and less objectionable ▪ CIA supported coups in Iran (1953) and Guatemala (1954) ▪ Supported assassinations of leaders such as Fidel Castro ▪ Long-term damage in relations with Latin America and Iran
Cold War in Asia ▪ Korean Armistice in 1953 but still no peace treaty ▪ Fall of Indochina Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam ▪ Division of Vietnam at 17 th parallel, promise of free elections (never happen) – ‘55-’61, US gives $1 billion in aid to S. Vietnam – Domino Theory ▪ SEATO-Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (regional defense pact). Agreement to defend one another in an attack US, GB, France, Australia, NZ, Philippines, Thailand, & Pakistan.
The Middle East ▪ Suez Crisis-July (1956) Britain, France, Israel and Egypt ▪ Eisenhower Doctrine-1957, offered economic and military aid to any Middle Eastern country threatened by Communism. ▪ OPEC & Oil (1960) Arab nations of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran join Venezuela and form Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
U.S. and Soviet Relations ▪ Geneva “Spirit of Geneva”-first thaw in Cold War ▪ Hungarian Revolt (Oct. 1956) Hungarians overthrow Moscow backed govt but defeated by Soviet tanks. ▪ Sputnik (1957)-Two Soviet satellites launched in space push for greater math and Science education in US. ▪ Second Berlin Crisis ▪ U-2 Incident
Cuba and Eisenhower’s Legacy ▪ Fidel Castro overthrows dictator in Cuba ▪ Establishes a Communist regime ▪ Ike authorizes the CIA to train anticommunist Cuban exiles to retake their island Bay of Pigs carried out under Kennedy ▪ Legacy: Checks Soviet aggression, begins to relax tensions, suspends above-ground testing of nuclear weapons, warns against Military- Industrial Complex.
The Civil Rights Movement ▪ Origins – 1947: Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in baseball – 1948: Truman desegregates armed forces – But: society still segregated, poll taxes, literacy tests, and the grandfather clause are still in use. ▪ Changing demographics: – Great migration and shift to democratic party ▪ Changing Cold War attitudes – How can we claim freedom and liberty when not everyone in US gets it?
Major Events ▪ Brown v. Board decision separate is inherently unequal, desegregation of schools, Decision was unanimous. (1954) ▪ Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) Rosa Parks, MLK Jr. end of segregation on buses. ▪ Federal Laws: – Civil Rights Act of 1957: created a permanent Civil Rights Commission – Civil Rights Act of 1960: Justice department given new powers to protect voting rights of black.
Non-Violence and MLK Jr. ▪ Civil Disobedience and non-violent protest: sit-ins, boycotts, marches ▪ Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) ▪ Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Immigration Issues ▪ Bans on Asian immigration are lifted. ▪ Puerto Ricans can enter country w/o restrictions ▪ Mexicans can come under contract via Bracero program or would come illegally. – Operation Wetback – Discrimination and exploitation
Popular Culture ▪ Consumerism and Conformity ▪ Television ▪ Rock n’ Roll and Teen Culture ▪ Advertising ▪ Women’s Roles bGsDaW1nBG9pZANiOTEwOTU4MmRjOWQ4ZTIzYzE1MTc3ZWQ0ZGM1M2QwOARncG9zAzYEaXQDYmluZw-- ?.origin=& yhs-mozilla-002%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26hsimp%3Dyhs- 002%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D6&w=970&h=602& SwbGuR7_MLI%2FAAAAAAAAAWs%2F3zVavL5eVzE%2Fs1600%2FThe%2BGood%2BWife%2527s%2BGuide.jpg&rurl=http%3 guide.html&size=77.9KB&name=Till+My+Dying+Day%3A+The+%3Cb%3EGood%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EWife%3C%2Fb%3E% 26%2339%3Bs+Guide&p=good+wives+1950s&oid=b dc9d8e23c15177ed4dc53d08&fr2=piv-web&fr=yhs-mozilla- 002&tt=Till+My+Dying+Day%3A+The+%3Cb%3EGood%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EWife%3C%2Fb%3E%26%2339%3Bs+Guide&b =0&ni=21&no=6&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=120tab7dv&sigb=14a7rl2im&sigi=134bkacgg&sigt=11q6a5dgs&sign=11q6a5dgs&.crum b=a7vSgOgdXZp&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hsimp=yhs-002&hspart=Mozilla. ▪ Social Critics: Beatniks predecessors of youth rebellion of the ‘60s.