Нижнетагильский филиал ГБОУ СПО « Свердловский областной медицинский колледж » Алапаевский центр медицинского образования Исполнитель: Харлова О. А. студентка 3 курса, специальность «Лечебное дело» Руководитель: Мартынова Н. П. преподаватель английского языка.
Plan: M ā ori Culture slide 3 Public holidays slide 4 The Treaty of Waitangi slide 5 The first celebration slide 6 The 150 th anniversary slide 7 Protests slide 9 Waitangi day in 21th century slide 10 Kapa haka slide 13 Ng ā tokimatawhaorua slide 14 Ways of celebrations slide 16
M ā ori Culture The M ā ori are indigenous people of Aotearoa (New Zealand). They formed their own unique culture, language and traditions. There are many festivals in New Zealand: Auckland Folk Festival, New Zealand International Arts Festival and others less important music and folkloric festivals. M ā ori tribal tatoo
Public holidays Public holidays in New Zealand are the Anzac and the birthday of the Queen. Anzac is a day, which honors the army of New Zealand who fought in the World War I. There are also such holidays as Christmas and the Boxing Day.
The Treaty of Waitangi Every year on 6 February, New Zealand marks the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. In 1840, representatives of the British Crown and M ā ori signed the document. The Treaty established three main points: Government makes law. M ā ori way of life is protected. The rights of people are protected.
The first celebration In 1932 Governor-General Lord Bledisloe gifted the Treaty House at Waitangi to the nation. He hoped that the site would become a national memorial. In February 1934 Bledisloe's gift was marked by celebrations. The Treaty House
The 150 th anniversary New Zealand marked the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in It had to be handled well. The Waitangi event, which the Queen attended, was a program with the Arts Festival.
The 150 th anniversary The program, which included a re-enactment of the Treaty signing, went off with few hitches. The event had special meaning for M ā ori as they looked back to their independent status before the signing of the Treaty. Protesters on the 150 th anniversary of Waitangi Day
Protests Hundreds of protestors often gather at the Treaty Grounds and the flagstaff. This meetings usually followed by vandalism and threats. Recent protest
Waitangi day in 21th century Nowadays, celebrations begin on 5th of February with Ceremonial Sunset at the Treaty Grounds flagpole and Waitangi eve concert. 6th February starts at 5 am with the traditional Dawn Service in the carved meeting house Band at the Ceremonial Sunset followed by flag raising ceremony.
Waitangi day in 21th century Throughout the day there is entertainment at the different areas. About 150 shops have art, craft, clothing, kai, M ā ori fried bread and watermelons with ice cream. Kai : local M ā ori seafood, fried mussel and fish
Waitangi day in 21th century Program at the Upper Treaty Grounds includes the Kapa haka group, Band performance and the 21 gun salute at the noon. Royal New Zealand Navy Kapa haka group performance
Kapa haka Kapa haka The term literally means «line dance». This is a traditional M ā ori performance, which includes singing, dancing, simple acrobatic elements, different gestures and even lots of facial expressions. There are many types of kapa haka. One of them, poi you can see on the picture.
Ng ā tokimatawhaorua Ngatokimatawhaorua, one of the world’s largest M ā ori ceremonial waka was built for the 100 th anniversary. Ng ā tokimatawhaorua was launched in It was in a canoe shelter for 34 years.
Ng ā tokimatawhaorua In 1974, the waka was relaunched for the Queen’s visit. After the Queen’s voyage on this canoe, she designated it “Her Majesty’s Ship”. Waka was relaunched again only in Ngatokimatawhaorua on the water
Ways of celebration In the other regions of New Zealand, Waitangi day is celebrated in many different ways. In London, it is celebrated by the Ball with the traditional food and cultural entertainment. In Australia, this day is celebrated by the festival, that includes both New Zealand and Pacific Islander cultural entertainment.
Список использованных источников 1. The Treaty of Waitangi: The introduction to the Treaty of Waitangi for migrants [ Электронный ресурс ] // Immigration New Zealand [ Официальный сайт ]. URL: 9ACF-423B7E4AE077/0/Living... ( дата обращения : ) 2. Waitangi day [ Электронный ресурс ] // New Zealand history [ Интернет - портал ]. Дата обновления URL: ( дата обращения : ) 3. New Zealand: Customs and traditions [ Электронный ресурс ] // New Zealand [ Интернет - портал ]. URL: traditions.html ( дата обращения : ) 4. M ā ori History [ Электронный ресурс ] // Love New Zealand [ Интернет - портал ]. URL: ( дата обращения : ) 5. Waitangi National Trust [ Официальный сайт ]. URL: ( дата обращения : ) 6. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ Интернет - портал ]. URL: ( дата обращения )