World History: Chapter 19
Where did Europe focus their attention to build colonies?
Which nation in Europe allowed some self-rule for their colonies?
Who explored Australia and New Zealand?
Who were the original settlers of Australia?
Who were the original inhabitants of Australia?
Why did settlers go to Australia- what drew them?
What were Dutch settlers in South Africa called?
To escape the rule of GB the Boers did this and moved to a new area?
Why did GB go into the Dutch Republics in southern Africa?
T or F The Boers won the Boer War.
What two European nations claimed the majority of land in Latin America?
Who led the charge of independence in Latin America?
What nation in Latin America was a prime example of the issues of self-govt. for the region?
What was the issue of President Diaz in Mexico?
What happened to Mexico once Madero was killed?
List a problem of self-govt.
List another problem of self-govt.
What term describes gaining wealth and resources by military force?
List a reason for imperialism.
Which European nation controlled India?
In what year did the Sepoy Mutiny occur?
What dynasty ruled China during imperialism?
Who did China fight in the Opium Wars?
Why did China fight the British in the Opium Wars?
What were the Chinese not able to do after the Opium Wars?
What nation lost to Japan in the Sino-Japanese War?
Which European nation lost to Japan in a war?
Who were the Chinese that were sick of Western influence?
What happened to the Boxer Rebellion in China?
What was the first nation to industrialize in Asia?
Which nation opened up Japan to trade?
What occurred in Japan following the treaty signed with America?
What was the period of industrialism in Japan?
Why did the African slave trade begin?
Approx. how many slave were shipped to the New World?
What nickname was given to Africa since no one knew what was in it?
Who was Africa’s greatest explorer?
Who controlled the most valuable pieces of Africa?
Who led GB’s push for imperialism in Africa?
Who controlled the Belgian Congo for his own pleasure and power?
What role did Germany play in Africa?
List a negative result of imperialism.
List a positive result of imperialism.