What technology will your students use in Kindergarten?
What things will they be taught in their first year of school? Basic Computer Skills How to use a mouse Where the keys are on the keyboard How to log on/ log off to a computer using their username and password Basic word processing skills Network skills How to find information in the saved short cuts folder How to save documents How to open saved documents
Logging on to a school device What will students need help with At NSW Public Schools students are required to use a username and password for authentication. A students username is generally their first name, followed by their last name. i.e harry.foot *some usernames have a number at the end i.e. harry.foot2 Passwords for Kindergarten usually start off as a simple letter ‘a’ or ‘b’ and progress to their class name ‘KB’ by the end of the year.
What things will they be taught in their first year of school? Website Interactivity How to locate information on the world wide web (WWW) How to save useful websites How to move from different web pages How to access the school webpage All Key Learning Areas How to explore interactive activities to enhance learning e.g science kids website How to enhance their understanding on web based learning programs e.g. mathletics or study ladder.
Website Stay up to date and informed on events and school news online! Muswellbrook South Public School website: Receive your newsletter online
Skoolbag App Muswellbrook South Public School Skoolbag app: Free push notifications Alerts, messages and reminders from the school Function to send in absence notes (no paper).
Muswellbrook South Public School Official Facebook Muswellbrook South Public School Facebook page: Like the page and instantly have access to pictures from school events
Interactive Resources Spelling City Set up by the class teacher. This interactive website is used in literacy sessions. It is a great tool used by teachers in reading groups. Reading Eggs Set up by the class teacher. This interactive website is used in literacy sessions. It is a great tool used by teachers in reading groups.
Interactive Resources Class Dojo Behaviour management system used by teachers in the classroom. Parents can download the parent app and keep a close eye on behaviour through the day. Study ladder Tasks online to engage learners and enhance the skills learnt during class. either assigned by teacher or parent operated. Parents can monitor and follow student progress.
Interactive Resources Mathletics Set up by the class teacher. Interactive numeracy activities assigned to students during maths groups. Count Me In Too Mathematics strategies that students will learn. Parents are able to access at home and use strategies to help with student learning.
Question time?? The PowerPoint from today will be available on the school website if you would like to access any of the websites or material spoken about today.