Shodan Computer Search Engine Matt Jennings
Road Map What is Shodan? How does Shodan work? HTTP banners Example searches Who uses Shodan? Conclusion
What is Shodan? Shodan is a computer search engine Developed by John Matherly and launched in 2009 Originally developed for marketing research purposes Shodan is somewhat similar to Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.
What is Shodan? Media Attention People were able to access Powerplants, hockey rinks, red-light cameras, webcams, particle accelerators Brought to light the lack of security
How does it work? Google 1.) Crawl the web for data 2.) Index 3.) Search Shodan 1.) Probes ports of nodes 2.) Grab HTTP headers 3.) Index HTTP headers 4.) Search Instead of searching for web content, you are searching for information from HTTP headers
Service Headers Information can be gathered from: HTTP(port 80), FTP(21), SSH(22) and other service headers Headers contain information such as date, server, last updated, connection, content type, welcome message, etc.
Example HTTP response header
Shodan Does not require account creation to search Without account: Only 10 results per query Can’t filter by ‘country’ or ‘net’ With account: 50 results per query Increased filters Export XML data
Shodan Filters Syntax : ‘filter:value’ with boolean operators (+,-,|) city and country city:”Pittsburgh” + country:US geo Geo:32.8,-117,50 hostname net net. port port:21(ftp) os os:”windows 2000” SSL filters
GUI Country Filter USA first with 55 million hosts China in 2nd with 17 million hosts
city:"Beijing" + country:China
Compound Search port:110 city:"New York" os:"Windows XP"
General Search “tomcat 6.0” * Any text within the banner is searchable through Shodan
Network Radar
What we can learn from HTTP status codes Can understand authentication properties through the status of HTTP request HTTP status codes 200 OK Request has been succeeded 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate header 403 Forbidden Authorization will not work to access this resource
Example 200 OK request “cisco 200 ok country:BR”
Cisco 200 OK
Example 401 Authorization Request “cisco 401 country:br”
Example 401 Authentication Header “admin+1234”
ICS-Cert Recommendations Place all important systems behind a firewall and separated from other networks Use VPN Rename and change password of any default accounts Use lockout policies to prevent brute force attempts Strong password policies
Who uses Shodan Cybersecurity professionals Researchers Penetration testers Researchers Law enforcement Cybercriminals - Identify open networks and notify users about them
Conclusion Seems scary Huge resource of information Not anonymous Huge resource of information Increased security of devices