6 INTEGRATED WORK STREAMS Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Maths & Languages, through use of ICT eInfrastructure eCulture eTeachers eContenteAdmin eTechnology
GAME CHANGER: NEXT 3 YEARS Broadband internet and WAN Wireless LAN at schools Smart classrooms in majority of school Access to learner devices ICT suites (slim labs) functional ICT integration skills for and Professional Development teachers (Teacher readiness) ePortal for digital resources Learning Management System in place E-administration systems for schools
eInfrastructure – eTechnology - eService Outlook mail 021 – HELP-LINE
? e-Learning ? e-Teaching ? e-Education
Connectivism PCK Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism TPACK Teaching Technology + = Learning + Technology = 21 st Century Teacher 21 st Century Learner
1.Leadership and Planning 2.ICT in the curriculum 3.Professional Development 4.e-Education Culture 5.ICT Infrastructure 6.Technology 6 Elements Managing the eCurriculum
Key role of Principals Become familiar with the eLearning Strategy and eLearning trends Be the advocate at school Plan for change Encourage and inspire teachers Create space for teachers to experiment - showcase initiatives Facilitate the development of 21 st Century teachers and Learners
Schools IT Update solution – every school will have an account Broadband – Projection: All schools to be connected by end of year – Type: Fibre or Wireless – Speed: 10Mbps/100Mbps/1GBps Wi-Fi LAN – 53 schools currently completed