Child labor in Chad, Africa Project by: Grace McLeod
INTRO Child labor happens all over the world. Its extremely sad and devastating hearing that this is still happening today. But it is. Child labor is what this project is about. we received a country and were to find child labor in that country. My country is chad. In chad I focused on the children soldiers and you will learn about that in the next few slides. The next thing we were do to is show child labor in England during the industrial revolution. After that you will see the similarities and differences between child labor in chad and in the industrial revolution. to finish off I will show you why or why not we should end child labor.
Child labor in Chad Chad is a country in Africa. The last record of the population was in There is million people. Of that population 4,000 to 10,000 of children are child soldiers. In Chad, some children have been forced into joining or kidnapped from within refugee camps by Sudanese rebel groups. Certain regions don’t have as much laws. It's common for these militias to attack local villages. Locals sometimes see the recruitment of their children into such groups or into the army as a way of protecting themselves and their village. And with few other opportunities, for many children, becoming a soldier or fighter seems like the only option they have. Those aged between 13 and 17 were most likely to be used directly in combat. children as young as 8 or 10 years are forcibly recruited to work as bodyguards, drivers, and cooks, as well as fighters and lookouts in the conflicts in Chad.
Drawing that child soldiers drew of their experiences
Child labor in England during the Industrial revolution The industrial revolution was the age of machines in England. It was also the time that children were put into the work force. Poor children worked the hardest because it could be the only way for their survival. It was the only possible way to get money. Poor families had every single family member working. Again it was for survival. Kids mostly worked in textile factories and the mines. Since they were small, the children had to do all the things to do with tiny spaces that no adult could fit. Many children were harmed. They were exposed to pollution, microscopic fibers and the noises of those machines could turn them deaf. Also many were beaten.
Similarities between child labor in chad and in England during the industrial revolution Both chad and England had/have child labor going on. Children were used because they were small. They worked because it was to survive. Children didn’t have such a great education.
Differences Children were not used to be soldiers in any kind of war in the industrial revolution. Kids in chad were used for war. Both girls and boys were used in the work force in England Only boys were used in the war for chad. Kids during the industrial revolution got paid for doing what they were supposed to. Children in chad were not paid during their services.
Why or why not should we get rid of child labor? This was a difficult question to figure out an answer for but I have finally come to one. No we shouldn’t. yes I know what you heard from my presentation is devastating and absolutely horrible but people need this to survive. Children need money to keep them selves fed when their parents couldn’t feed them or for new clothing. Some kids do this so they can keep their homes or so they can stay with their families. The whole child soldier thing could be the only way they could save their siblings or parents. It could have been the only way to prevent them from being killed. Child labor is a horrible thing but it could be the only way of survival for some kids.
Citations Cranny, Michael. "The Industrial Revolution" Crossroads: A Meeting of Nations. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Ginn Canada, Pp Print.