Unbridled Learning: CSIP Development and Delivery Targets November/December 2014 Primary School Ann Taylor, Principal
Delivery Target Areas – Primary Shows as District Delivery Target – This is a new Delivery Target as of Fall 2014 Kindergarten Readiness (KSCREEN) Targets Increase the percentage of kindergarten students (regardless of prior setting) scoring ready on the KSCREEN from 48.2% in 2014 to 74.1% in 2019
CSIP Goals Primary School Goals are based on MAP as there is no K-Prep Assessment for K-2. By 2017, 80% of all students at Trigg County Primary School will reach end-of-year benchmark on MAP in Math By 2017, 80% of all students at Trigg County Primary School will reach end-of-year benchmark on MAP in Reading By 2019, 74.1% of kindergarten students (regardless of prior setting) will score as ready on the KSCREEN
Goal 1: By 2017, 80% of all students at Trigg County Primary School will reach end-of-year benchmark on MAP in Math Objective for School Year: demonstrate a proficiency (70% of all students) by reaching end of year benchmark in Math by 06/30/2014 as measured by MAP. Result: 63% Objective for School Year: demonstrate a proficiency (70% of all students) by reaching end of year benchmark in Math by 06/30/2015 as measured by MAP. Strategies to be utilized: a.Continuous Assessment b.Professional Learning c.Response to Intervention d.Parent & Community Involvement
Goal 2: By 2017, 80% of all students at Trigg County Primary School will reach end-of-year benchmark on MAP in Reading Objective for School Year: demonstrate a proficiency (70% of all students) by reaching end of year benchmark in Reading by 06/30/2014 as measured by MAP. Result: 58% Objective for School Year: demonstrate a proficiency (70% of all students) by reaching end of year benchmark in Reading by 06/30/2015 as measured by MAP. Strategies to be utilized: a.Continuous Assessment b.Professional Learning c.Response to Intervention d.Parent & Community Involvement
Goal 3: Objective for School Year: demonstrate a proficiency: 70% of incoming kindergarten students will demonstrate ready or ready with enhancement scores by 6/30/2014 as measured by the Brigance Kindergarten Screener. Result: 48.2 Objective for School Year: demonstrate a proficiency: 59.2% of incoming kindergarten students will demonstrate ready or ready with enhancement scores by 6/30/2015 as measured by the Brigance Kindergarten Screener. Strategies to be utilized: a.Community and Family Involvement b.Preschool Learning Environment By 2019, 74.1% of kindergarten students (regardless of prior setting) will score as ready on the KSCREEN
Digging Deeper in Gap Performance includes all types of student populations tracked: Disability, White, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Limited English Proficiency, Free/Reduced Price Meals, and All students Describe the achievement gap that exists. African American, Disability, Free/Reduced Lunch Describe the barriers that prevented the school from closing the achievement gap. Based on our Brigance Screening data, approximately 50% of our students are entering kindergarten "not ready" at this time. As mentioned, we provide additional services for our students based on their academic performance; however, we have some students that seem to struggle with attendance which creates a barrier for success. We also have some that require additional services in the area of speech and their phonetic deficits affect their academic performance.
Describe the actions that will be taken to remove the barriers that prevented the school from closing the achievement gap. We have seen an improvement in our Brigance readiness data. Because of this, we understand the need to continue to focus our efforts on early childhood intervention. We will also continue to track our students based on their MAP data and common assessment performance to determine when additional assistance is needed and intervene early. We will continue to offer professional development for our teachers regarding the delivery of their instruction, the effectiveness of their assessments, and the reflection/modifications that are required when focusing on the success of all students. This will continue to improve the quality of our instruction which will directly affect the performance of our students. We try to create positive relationships with our students/parents and know this is a factor in attendance. If a students becomes absent frequently, we reach out to the family to discuss the reasons and what we can do to help. Because we know that speech can be a barrier for some of our students, we will provide progress monitoring data for our identified TAG students to our speech therapists. This will help us track their success and make changes as needed.