5th & 6 th Grade iLEAP Science Review Science as Inquiry Only Compiled by: Bridget Bush, PD Coach Valverda Elementary
Science As Inquiry Experiments Liquid Sandwich PowerPoint Pop It Document Pop It Experiment PowerPoint Dissecting a Pickle The Edible Candle Variables Graphic Organizer Density Demonstration Activity Science Lab Report (PDF) Science Detective Report (PDF) Science Experiment Rubric (PDF) Power Points Science Process Skills PowerPoint Types of Scientific Research PowerPoint The Scientific Method PowerPoint Parts of the Microscope PowerPoint Interpreting Graphs PowerPoint Motion Graphs PowerPoint The Nature of Science PowerPoint
Science as Inquiry (contd.) Discovery Streaming How Scientists Work: What is the Scientific Method? (21:00) Activities Electron Microscope Activity The Metric Olympics Observations and Inferences Activity LabActivities Length Lab Volume Lab Gummy Bear LabGummy Bear Lab- This lab incorporates a variety of metric measurements (length, volume, mass) to record what happens to a gummy bear when it is placed in a water overnight. NOTE: This lab worksheet was based on a gummy bear lab available online; however, the website with the original lab is no longer available.
Science as Inquiry (contd.) Lab Activities (contd.) Mass Mania For the mass lab, students first estimate the mass of various objects, then find the actual mass using triple-beam balances or other scales. To prepare for the activity you will need to organize various items (coins, paper clips, marbles, rocks, large washers/s-hooks, etc.) and triple-beam balances or scales for each group. They may group items together to reach a targeted mass, such as three pennies for 5 grams, or just use a single item. This lab is always a hit and the students get much needed estimation practice. NOTE: Estimates should be checked before any measuring is allowed! Some students will skip the estimation step and advance to using the scales! From: Mix & Match Mass Student Sheethttp://sciencespot.net/Pages/classmetric.html Mix & Match Mass Student Sheet
Science as Inquiry Lab Activities Mystery Canisters The density lab, known as Mystery Canisters, challenges students to modify three film canisters so that they have one that floats, one that sinks, and one that will remain suspended in the tub of tap water. Materials needed for the lab are: plastic tub of water (or the bottom half of a 2-liter soda bottle), three film canisters (free from Walmart, KMart, etc.), and an assortment of small objects (pennies, paperclips, marbles, etc.) for mass. Students will also need equipment to help them measure mass (triple-beam balance) and volume (graduated cylinders and overflow cans.) Students are allowed a few minutes to create the three canisters that will (1) float, (2) sink, and (3) remain suspended. Students may have difficulty getting one of the canisters perfectly suspended. If the students can get the canister to suspend with less than half of the lid above the surface, they should get numbers that result in a density close to 1.0 g/ml. Once the students have their canisters approved, they find the mass and volume of the canisters and calculate each density. They should notice that the floating vial has a density less than 1 g/ml, the sinking vial has a density greater than 1 g/ml, and the suspended vial has a density close to 1 g/ml. From: Mystery Canisters Student Pagehttp://sciencespot.net/Pages/classmetric.html Mystery Canisters Student Page
Science as Inquiry Extras SI Measurements Create a Graph Science Detective Report (PDF) Science Lab Report (PDF) Writing with Scientists
Science as Inquiry Lab Safety Laboratory Safety More Laboratory Safety Safety in the Laboratory Safety Wheel Graphic Organizer