Huntsville City Schools School Year School Instructional Targets October 3,
2 Alabama Plan 2020 and NCLB Waiver Every Child a Graduate – Every Child Prepared for College, Work, Adulthood in the 21 st Century College Ready: A graduate who possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Career Ready: A graduate who possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. HCS Strategy – Effectively Engage Students in mastering college and career readiness standards within a digital curriculum aligned with Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards to foster development of College and Career Ready Graduates and Life-Long Learners for the 21 st Century External Measures of Readiness – Growth as measured with STAR Assessments in all grades, ACT Aspire in K-8, ACT Quality Core Curriculum in High School, and ACT College Readiness Assessment for All Students in 11 th Grade to Align Teaching and Learning with Student College Readiness. Internal Measures – Formative assessments in all courses and progression in core high school courses.
3 Alabama Plan 2020 and NCLB Waiver Learner Objectives – Achievement and Growth Achievement: ALSDE goal is for all students to perform at or above grade level proficiency. HCS K-8 Goal: 10% more students within schools and grade levels attaining benchmark scores on ACT Aspire assessments in SY than attained Level- 4 (Advanced) proficiency in SY Growth: ALSDE goal is for all students to show continuous improvement. HCS Goal – K-11 grades attain STAR Student Growth Percentile (SGP) targets in each school by grade level in Math and Reading. HCS High School Goals: Students attain benchmark scores on ACT Quality Core assessments in SY as prescribed in targets provided to each school. High Schools increase AP & IB enrollments and the share of students earning qualifying scores in AP and IB courses.
4 Alabama Plan 2020 and NCLB Waiver Learner Objectives – Gap Closure Achievement: ALSDE goal is that all students succeed (gap closure). HCS K-12 Goals: Accelerate student growth among low proficiency students while challenging high proficiency students. Place At-Risk students in Pre-K and achieve target early literacy growth. Assign students so that they are not sequentially enrolled in classrooms with an SGP Below 50. Assign retained students in High Growth classrooms with an SGP of 65 or Higher. HCS K-12 Instructional Strategies: Accelerate change of practice to enhance teacher mastery of the digital curriculum to close the digital divide and personalized learning. Employ Formative Assessment every 9 weeks using School Net and STAR to guide personalized instruction Increase teacher effectiveness by: o Shifting low-value added grading and sampling tasks from teachers to the learning management systems. o Focus professional development on change of practice (digital and common core) and in the use of data from formative assessments to guide instruction.
5 Alabama Plan 2020 and NCLB Waiver Learner Objectives – Every Student a High School Graduate Graduation Rate: By 2020 ALSDE seeks for every high school to have a 90 percent graduation rate. HCS K-12 Goals: P-5, P-6, P-8, Middle Schools, and Junior Highs will prepare students to take credit bearing high school courses at the end of 8 th Grade to include passing Core courses. High Schools will successfully engage students so that they are prepared to progress from grade to grade and complete Core courses prior to the end of their fourth year in high school. HCS K-12 Strategies: Early identification and intervention for students in grades 6-12 who are not demonstrating mastery in a core course or a prerequisite for a core course. Implementation of ACT Quality Core Curriculum and formative assessment every 9 weeks using School Net to drive continuous student growth (less AP & IB).
6 ALSDE Accountability Model – Plan 2020 NCLB Waiver 70 Points Achievement Reading Math Gap Closure Reading Math Attendance Rate 20 Points A SchoolB School C SchoolD School F School Accountability Score Phase I – % 22% Graduation Rate
7 ALSDE Accountability Model – Plan 2020 NCLB Waiver 100 Points Achievement Reading Math Growth Reading Math Gap Closure Reading Math College Readiness ACT Benchmarks Work Keys Attendance Rate Graduation Rate Program Review 40 Points Effective Teachers Effective Leaders 50 Points Local Indicators 10 Points A SchoolB School C SchoolD School F School Accountability Score Phase I – % 20% 25% 5%
High School Goals for Grade Progression School Year th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Fall Spring Fall Spring 99% of 12 th Graders Progressing to Plan 2020 Target Graduation Rate Percent of a Starting Cohort Progressing to the Next Grade 96% of 9 th Graders Progressing to 10 th Grade 97% of 10 th Graders Progressing to 11 th Grade 98% of 11 th Graders Progressing to 12 th Grade
9 Students Must Obtain a Passing Grade in the Following Core or Advanced Courses to Meet High School Progression Criteria for School Year th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Math Science English Social Science Algebra I Geometry Biology English 9 English Honors World History Geometry Algebra II Trig Physical Science Chemistry Anatomy English 10 English Honors US History to 1867 Algebra II Algebra II Trig Pre-Calculus Chemistry Anatomy Physics English 11 AP English Lang US Hist from 1867 AP US History Discrete Math Algebraic Connect Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AP Statistics Physics Forensics Enviro Sci AP Sciences English 12 AP English Lit Govt/Econ AP Govt AP Econ
10 Grade Level Progression Goals for Example High School for SY th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade 73% SY Progression 65%77%90% 85% SY Goal 81%88%95% Product 33% 57% School Year Product of Grade Level Progression Rates
11 Alabama Plan 2020 and NCLB Waiver Learner Objectives – Every Student Graduates Prepared College and Career Readiness: ALSDE seeks for every high school graduate to be able to earn credit in first year college Math, Science, English, and Social Studies courses. HCS K-12 Goals: An increasing share of students will attain benchmark scores on ACT Quality Core assessments. An increasing share of 11 th grade students will attain benchmark scores on the ACT assessment beginning with SY An increasing share of students will enroll in and attain qualifying scores in AP and IB courses. HCS K-12 Strategies: Accelerate change of practice to the digital curriculum and instruction aligned with Common Core standards. Expand Implementation of “Laying the Foundation” and “Project Lead the Way” courses across 7 th and 8 th grades. Guide instruction using formative assessments within Quality Core classes using School Net.
Number of Students Taking the ACT Exam In by High School and Grade Level Tests Taken High School Grade
Cumulative Distribution of Math ACT Scores by High School Grissom Cumulative Distribution Math Benchmark Score ACT Score Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: College Algebra
Cumulative Distribution of English ACT Scores by High School Grissom Cumulative Distribution English Benchmark Score ACT Score Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: English Composition Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: English Composition
Cumulative Distribution of Reading ACT Scores by High School Grissom Cumulative Distribution Reading Benchmark Score ACT Score Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: Social Sciences Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: Social Sciences
Cumulative Distribution of Science ACT Scores by High School Grissom Cumulative Distribution Science Benchmark Score ACT Score Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: Biology Corresponding Credit Bearing College Freshman Course: Biology
Cumulative Distribution of Composite ACT Scores by High School Grissom Cumulative Distribution 75 th Percentile Score for University of Alabama & Auburn University ACT Score 25 th Percentile Score for University of Alabama 25 th Percentile Score for Auburn University
18 Alabama Plan 2020 and NCLB Waiver Learner Strategies Standards: ALSDE seeks to develop and adopt college and career readiness aligned standards in all subject areas. ALSDE Standards: K-8: ACT Aspire. High School: ACT Quality Core assessments in 12 content areas as well as the ACT assessment in 11 th Grade for all students. HCS K-12 Strategies: Immediately implement ACT Quality Core curriculum in 12 high school content areas. Employ STAR Math and Reading assessments in grades K-11 to monitor student growth. Convert to a digital curriculum aligned with Common Core standards. Develop and deploy formative assessments in School Net for all Math, Science, English, and Social Studies courses (less AP and IB) to guide instruction. All Grades: Student attendance should be 95% or higher in all schools. Employ “Reserve” Math, Science, and English teachers to act as long-term subs. HCS Goal: Student attendance at or above 95% and a tardy rate below 7.5%.
19 Summary of Huntsville City School Goals for SY All Schools: School Wide Attendance and Tardy Rates. Change of Practice Rates. STAR Math and Reading Growth by Grade Level. ACT Aspire Benchmark Rates by Grade Level. P-5, P-6, P-8, and Middle Schools: Student Assignment Practices – Low Growth Classrooms & Retained Students. High Schools: ACT Quality Core Benchmark Rates. Grade Level Progression Rates. ACT College Readiness Benchmark Rates – 11 th Grade. AP and IB Enrollments and Share of Enrollments Earning Qualifying Scores. Pre-K Early Literacy. Graduation Rate as Determined by ALSDE. 10% 15% 5% 50% 25% 5% 10% 20% 35% 65%
20 Huntsville City Schools STAR Math Fall 2011 – Fall 2013 Proficiency
21 Huntsville City Schools STAR Reading Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
22 STAR Math HCS High Schools Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
23 STAR Reading HCS High Schools Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
24 STAR Math K-8 and Middle Schools Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
25 STAR Reading K-8 and Middle Schools Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
26 STAR Math Elementary Schools Fall 2011 – Fall 2013
27 STAR Reading Elementary Schools Fall 2011 – Fall 2013