I NTRODUCTION Shiny thinks this experiment was for fun and improvement of our knowledge. Why was this study performed? -Shiny believes that it was for boring student. Because science is boring for some student, but it is fun! So Shiny thinks it was good idea. What knowledge already exists about this subject? - Shiny knew how to get density
H YPOTHESIS Shiny thinks Shrek, Jimmy Neutron, or Ariel are weighty criminals. They all have water, and iron. Because crime scene drink is transparent. Transparent drinks are water, alcohol, vinegar, and salt water. If alcohol is the drink, it will inappropriate to kids. If vinegar is the drink, they will not drink it. If salt water is the drink, they will not drink it also. If water is the drink, they will drink it, then someone can poison water. And Shiny thinks the crime scene wrap is iron. Because if sulfur is the wrap, sulfur will get fire, if zinc is the wrap, it will melt, if plastic is the wrap, it will melt also, if aluminum is the wrap, it will melt too. If copper is the wrap, it will hard to cook. If iron is the wrap, it will perfectly fit to cook hotdog. So Shiny thinks Shrek, Jimmy Neutron, or Ariel are weighty criminals.
M ATERIALS Shiny’s group needed glass cylinder to get density, eyes to determine colors, conductivity meter to get conductivity, NaHCO3 to see reactions of drinks, tweezers to see band ability, hydroclogas to see reactions of wraps, fire to see flammability, water to see melt ability, vinegar to see reaction of powders, beam balance to get mass, iodine to see reaction of the hotdogs
P ROCEDURE 1.Drinks - Shiny did 4 different physical properties which are conductivity, density, color, optical property. And Shiny did 2 different chemical properties which are flammability, reactivity. Shiny’s group did conductivity by conductivity meter, we just put this at the drinks, density by glass cylinder and beam balance, they got volumes and masses, and they got densities. Color by eyes, and optical property by also eyes. Ms. Langhan did flammability for students. She fired match and put it in the beakers that contain drinks, Only alcohol reacted. And Shiny’s group used NaHCO3 to see reactions of drinks. Shiny’s group put them at each drinks, then vinegar, grape drink, and lemonade w/ pulp reacted. They bubbled.
2.W RAPS Shiny did 4 different physical properties which are conductivity, density, luster, bandability. And Shiny did 1 chemical property which is reactivity. Shiny’s group did bandability by tweezers. They bent each of them, then everything bent except for sulfur. And luster, Shiny’s group looked at them and know how they look like, shiny or dull. Density by glass cylinder and beam balance, Shiny’s group got volumes and masses, and they got densities. Conductivity, Shiny’s group did this with conductivity meter. They just put it on the wraps. Reactivity, Shiny’s group did this with hydroclogas. They dropped 2 drops at each wraps then zinc and iron bubbled, and copper cleaned.
3.P OWDERS Shiny did 3 different physical properties which are conductivity, meltability, and solubility. And Shiny did 2 different chemical properties which are flammability, reactivity. Conductivity Shiny did this with conductivity meter, Shiny put it on them. Meltability, Ms. Langhan already did it for students. So Shiny could just go and see what happened. So only sugar and ascorbic acid melt. Solubility, Shiny put powders in the water. Ascorbic acid absolutely didn’t melt, but sodium polyacrylate did or didn’t melt because it turned to jell. Flammability, Ms. Langhan did it for students, too. Nothing fired,but baking soda burned, so it turned to brown. Reactivity, Shiny did this with vinegar only baking soda bubbled and only sodium polyacrylate turned to jell.
4. H OTDOGS Shiny did 3 different physical properties which are conductivity, density, mass. And Shiny did 1 chemical property which are flammability, reactivity. Conductivity Shiny did this with conductivity meter, Shiny put this in the hotdogs. Density, Shiny did it by glass cylinder and beam balance, Shiny got volumes and masses, and Shiny got densities. Mass, Shiny used beam balance to get masses for hotdogs. Reactivity, Shiny did it with iodine. Everything changed color, regular hotdog turned to dark purple, light hotdog turned to yellow, and fat free hotdog turned to purplish brown.
DrinksConduc tivity DensityColorOptical Propert y Flamm ability Reactiv ity Pure water Low1ClearTranspa rent NoNo reaction AlcoholNone>1ClearTranspa rent YesNo reaction Salt water Very high conducti vity >1CloudyTranspa rent NoNo reaction VinegarMedium>1ClearTranspa rent NoFeeze a lot Grape Drink Medium>1PurpleOpaqueNoFeeze Lemona de W/ Pulp Medium>1Cloudy yellow TransldNoSome feeze Crime Scene Liquid Medium>1ClearTranspa rent NoFeeze a lot D ATA
WrapBandabi lity LusterDensityConduct ivity Reactivi ty Plastic yes Dulldull1NoneNothing Aluminu m YesShiny1HighNothing ZincYesShiny2HighFew bubbling CopperYesShiny3HighCleaned IronYesShiny2HighBubbling SulfurNoDull2.5Nonenothing Crime scene wrap YesShiny3HighFew bubbling
D ATA PowderMeltabili ty Solubilit y Conduct ivity Flamma bility Reactivi ty SugarYes MediumNo Baking soda NoYesVery highNo, but burned Bubbling Sodium polyacryl ate no highNoJelled Ascorbic acid yesNoHighNo Sodium chloride NoYes Mediumno crime scene powder Yes MediumNono
D ATA HotdogMassDensityReactivityConductivi ty Regular10g1.05Turned dark purple medium Light10.7g1.07Turned yellow Very high Fat free10.2g1.2Turned purplish brown High Crime scene hotdog 1.1Purplish brown high
DrinksConducti vity DensityColorOptical Property Flammabi lity Reactivit y Pure waterLow1ClearTranspare nt NoNo reaction AlcoholNone>1ClearTranspare nt YesNo reaction Salt waterVery high conductivit y >1CloudyTranspare nt NoNo reaction VinegarMedium>1ClearTranspare nt NoFeeze a lot Grape Drink Medium>1PurpleOpaqueNoFeeze Lemonade W/ Pulp Medium>1Cloudy yellow TransldNoSome feeze Crime Scene Liquid Medium>1ClearTranspare nt NoFeeze a lot C ONCLUSION Shiny’s hypothesis was right. It is true that water the manipulated variable is mix with NaHCO3 then water the responding variable should not react. And it is true that lemonade with pulp the manipulated variable is mix with NaHCO3 then lemonade the responding variable should react. Here is the graph. I think we needed gloves. There are some mistakes with density and mass.