The Intensity Frontier at CSS2013 J.Hewett, H.Weerts for the Intensity Frontier groups July 29, 2013 Introductory talk at CSS2013 at the University of Minnesota
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 2 Develop a coherent and interconnected view of the Intensity Frontier for CSS2013. Describe future facilities and experiments at the Intensity Frontier and their capabilities. Document the contributions of the Intensity Frontier towards addressing the major questions in particle physics and explain how and why it is complementary to the other frontiers, which together constitute experimental particle physics. Charge for the Intensity Frontier workshop in April 2013: Written a while ago……still valid for CSS2013
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 3 The Intensity Frontier working groups s, c & b quark decays & mixing Precision measurements with muons, taus All experiments for properties of neutrinos. Accelerator & non-accel. Proton decay, Neutron Oscillation Dark sector particles & photons, axion like particles, WISPs Properties of nucleons, nuclei,or atoms (EDM, weak decays), as related to HEP Quark Flavor Physics Joel Butler, Zoltan Ligeti, Jack Ritchie Charged Lepton Physics Brendan Casey, Yuval Grossman, David Hitlin Neutrinos Andre deGouvea, Kevin Pitts, Kate Scholberg, Sam Zeller Baryon Number Violation Kaladi Babu, Ed Kearns New Light, Weakly Coupled Particles Rouven Essig, John Jaros, William Wester Nucleons, Nuclei & Atoms Krishna Kumar, Z.-T. Lu, Michael Ramsey- Musolf Neutrino is large part, but there is more
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 4 History August 2011: Intensity Frontier working groups formed Nov 30-Dec 2, 2011: Intensity Frontier workshop, Rockville 500+ participants across all of the IF May 2012: Intensity Frontier report, arXiv: Oct 11-13, 2012: Community Planning Meeting, FNAL April 25-27, 2013: Intensity Frontier workshop, ANL ~ 300 attendance July 29 – Aug 6, 2013: CSS2013, Minneapolis -- here we are Opportunities for input and feedback from the community: Documented on CSS2013 WiKi pages Several other subgroup meetings Plus subgroup meetings Defined IF program
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 5 Deliverables for CSS2013: Subgroups reports– status and where are they Discussion during workshop to get the more final form Quark Flavor Physics Charged Lepton Physics Neutrinos Baryon Number Violation New Light, Weakly Coupled Particles Nucleons, Nuclei & Atoms Initial draft versions of all reports exist. Depending on group at different stages Drafts will be/are on CSS2013 Wiki pages for each group under Intensity Frontier
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 6 Goal of CSS2013: Did this in 2011; Refine, update & extend into next decade for CSS2013 Identify scientific opportunities For us: Identify scientific opportunities with Intensity Frontier List of science opportunities: A.CP violation, rare decays, K’s, Charm, B’s B.LFV with & (g-2) C.Neutrino oscillations & mass, CP violation, D.Baryon number violation (proton decay & neutron oscillations) E.EDMs, Parity Violation F.New Light, Weakly Coupled Particles Quite a list of experiments
HEP Intensity Frontier Experiments 7 List from DOE: There are MANY CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts ExperimentLocationStatusDescription#US Inst.#US Coll. Belle IIKEK, Tsukuba, JapanPhysics run 2016Heavy flavor physics, CP asymmetries, new matter states10 Univ, 1 Lab55 BES IIIIHEP, Beijing, ChinaRunningPrecision measurements charm, charmonium, tau; search for and study new states of hadronic matter 6 Univ26 CAPTAINLos Alamos, NM, USAR&D; Test run 2015Cryogenic apparatus for precision tests of argon interactions with neutrinos5 Univ, 1 Lab20 Daya BayDapeng Penisula, ChinaRunningPrecise determination of θ Univ, 2 Lab76 Heavy Photon SearchJefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, USA Physics run 2015Search for massive vector gauge bosons which may be evidence of dark matter or explain g-2 anomaly 8 Univ, 2 Lab47 K0TOJ-PARC, Tokai, JapanRunningDiscover and measure K L →π 0 νν to search for CP violation3 Univ12 LArIATFermilab, Batavia, ILR&D; Phase I 2013LArTPC in a testbeam; develop particle ID & reconstruction11 Univ, 3 Lab38 LBNEFermilab, Batavia, IL & Homestake Mine, SD, USA CD1 Dec 2012; First data 2023 Discover and characterize CP violation in the neutrino sector; comprehensive program to measure neutrino oscillations 48 Univ, 6 Lab336 MicroBooNEFermilab, Batavia, IL, USAPhysics run 2014Address MiniBooNE low energy excess; measure neutrino cross sections in LArTPC 15 Univ, 2 Lab101 MINERvAFermilab, Batavia, IL, USAMed. Energy Run 2013Precise measurements of neutrino-nuclear effects and cross sections at 2-20 GeV 13 Univ, 1 Lab48 MINOS+Fermilab, Batavia, IL & Soudain Mine, MN, USA NuMI start-up 2013Search for sterile neutrinos, non-standard interactions and exotic phenomena15 Univ, 3 Lab53 Mu2eFermilab, Batavia, IL, USAFirst data 2019Charged lepton flavor violation search for N→eN15 Univ, 4 Lab106 Muon g-2Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USAFirst data 2016Definitively measure muon anomalous magnetic moment13 Univ, 3 Lab, 1 SBIR75 NOvAFermilab, Batavia, IL & Ash River, MN, USA Physics run 2014Measure ν μ -ν e and ν μ -ν μ oscillations; resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy; first information about value of δ cp (with T2K) 18 Univ, 2 Lab114 ORKAFermilab, Batavia, IL, USAR&D; CD Precision measurement of K + →π + νν to search for new physics6 Univ, 2 Lab26 Super-KMozumi Mine, Gifu, JapanRunningLong-baseline neutrino oscillation with T2K, nucleon decay, supernova neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos 7 Univ29 T2KJ-PARC, Tokai & Mozumi Mine, Gifu, Japan Running; Linac upgrade 2014 Measure ν μ -ν e and ν μ -ν μ oscillations; resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy; first information about value of δ cp (with NOvA) 10 Univ70 US-NA61CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandTarget runs Measure hadron production cross sections crucial for neutrino beam flux estimations needed for NOvA, LBNE 4 Univ, 1 Lab15 US Short-Baseline Reactor Site(s) TBDR&D; First data 2016Short-baseline sterile neutrino oscillation search6 Univ, 5 Lab28 Outside US Taking data
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 8 Intensity Frontier itself is a micro-cosmos of all of HEP Interconnected, but somewhat independent experimental efforts within Intensity Frontier List of science opportunities: A.CP violation, rare decays, K’s, Charm, B’s B.LFV with & (g-2) C.Neutrino oscillations & mass, CP violation, D.Baryon number violation (proton decay & neutron oscillations) E.EDMs, Parity Violation F.New Light, Weakly Coupled Particles Scientific opportunities in Intensity Frontier Very much a reflection of our whole field
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 9 What is our (Intensity Frontier) job ? Explain physics potential and scientific opportunities that can be addressed by the set of experiments in the Intensity Frontier Several colloquia explaining the science; answering some of the “Colloquium questions” that were put together. Followed by Panel discussions
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 10 What is our (Intensity Frontier) job ? July 29 Mon July 30 Tue July 31 Wed Aug 1 Thu Aug 2 Fri Aug 3 Sat Aug 4 Sun Aug 5 Mon Aug 6 Tue 8am- 12pm Plenary (8:30am-12pm) Parallel Meetings and Frontier Plenaries in parallel with Colloquium High Intensity Accelerators (9:30am-12:15pm) in parallel with Theory Panel (10:30am-12pm) Plenary (8:30am- 12:10pm) Plenary (8:30am- 12:50pm) 1:45pm- 4pm Plenary (1:30pm- 3:15pm) Colloquium Higgs Boson, Higgs Sectors, and Naturalness Colloquium Neutrino Mass, Mixing, and Grand Unification Colloquium Precision Frontier In parallel with Colloquium Cosmic Surveys Colloquium New Light Weakly Coupled Particles In parallel with Colloquium Energies Beyond LHC Colloquium High Energy Cosmic Particles In parallel with Colloquium Quark and Lepton Flavor and CP Colloquium Transformative Technologies for Instrumentation and Data Plenary (1:55pm- 3:45pm) End of Meeting (1pm) 4:30pm- 6pm Colloquium Dark Matter (3:45pm-6pm) Panel Must there be new physics? Where will we find it? Panel What can we learn about short distance physics without discovering new particles? Panel Selling long-term science Panel Fostering interconnections and common causes with scientists from other fields Panel What should be the balance in the US program between domestic and overseas facilities? Parallel Meetings and Frontier Plenaries (4:10pm-5:40pm) Plenary (4:05pm- 5:25pm) 6pm- 10pm Public Lecture (8pm-10pm) Reception (6:30pm-8pm) Parallel Meetings Physics Slam (8pm-9:30pm) Parallel Meetings Banquet (6pm-8pm) Parallel Meetings
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 11 What is our (Intensity Frontier) job ? Explain physics potential and opportunities with this set of experiments What is your (audience) job this week ? What is your (audience)/our job after this week ? Ask your questions; get to know & understand the goals of Intensity Frontier experiments and the science addressed by them Be able to explain ( within and outside the field ) the role of the Intensity Frontier experiments as part of the HEP program. How they fit into the spectrum of science addressed by HEP. We as a community can speak in a positive way about the whole (all frontiers) and fascinating science spectrum of HEP Our goal:
CSS2013; Intensity Frontier Intro; July 29, 2013, H.Weerts 12 End of Intensity Frontier intro for CSS2013