Judaism -Monotheistic -Yahweh -Compared to other polytheistic religions -Torah -Sacred text of the Hebrew people -Abraham -Established a covenant with God around 2000BC -Hebrews would be God ’ s chosen people -Promised them the land of Canaan
Judaism -Monotheistic -Yahweh -Compared to other polytheistic religions -Torah -Sacred text of the Hebrew people (1 st 5 of the OT) -Abraham -Established a covenant with God around 2000BC -Hebrews would be God ’ s chosen people -Promised them the land of Canaan
Moses -Slavery -Hebrew peoples later moved into Egypt because of famine and became slaves -Moses -Hebrew leader who led them out of slavery in Egypt -Exodus -The story of the Hebrews leaving the slavery of Egypt -Mosaic Law -The codes of rules established during this early period of Hebrew history governing everyday life
10 Commandments -1-No other Gods -2-No Idol worship -3-Donot take the Lord ’ s Name in Vain -4-Remember the Sabbath Day -5-Honor thy Father and Mother -6-Do Not Kill -7-Do Not Commit Adultery -8-Do Not Steal -9-Do Not Bear False Witness -10-Do Not Covert Other ’ s Belongings
Kingdom of Israel -David -Established a strong Hebrew Kingdom called Israel by 1000BC -Israelites -Solomon -Son of David -Known for his wise rule -Jerusalem becomes a great capital city -Built a great Temple to God
Decline -2 Kingdoms -After Solomon ’ s death the empire splits -Israel in the North -Judah in the South -Both were eventually over-run by invaders -Babylonian Captivity -Jewish people became slaves of the Babylonian Empire around 586BC -King Nebuchadnezzar -Solomon ’ s Temple is destroyed Taken to Captivity in Babylon
Jewish Culture -Laws of the Torah -Patriarchal society which was common throughout much of the world -Monotheistic religion which was uncommon -Scattering of Jewish peoples throughout the centuries -Modern movement to reunite Jews in the modern nation of Israel