I. INTRODUCTION!! Genesis A. Gen. 1-2: CREATION! * 6 days - It’s Good! * Male & Female – In God’s Image B. Gen 3: DEVASTATION! *1 bite–EEK! - It’s Bad! * GEN.3:15 “head crusher” C. Gen. 6-9:DESTRUCTION! (“blub, blub,blub…”) *Noah’s Ark- the Flood & Rainbow – a new world D. Gen. 11: The NATIONS!! *Tower of Babel-babel-babble-babble… Spreading out & Multiplying
II. THE PATRIARCHS! Genesis B. ISAAC! *Promised son-hahahaha!! *Stop!! C. JACOB *sneaky trickster! *4 wives & 12 sons *new name: ISRA-EL! D. JOSEPH *coat of many colors! *dreams! *Sold!*Ruler of Egypt!
III. OUT of EGYPT…into CANAAN!! Exodus - Joshua A.MOSES “400 years…Let My People Go!” – 10 Plagues – Red Sea – Finally Free!!” Sinai – the TEN COMMANDMENTS!! - the TABERNACLE Tent - Sacrifices & Offerings C. Wilderness Wandering – “40 years! - Count em! - Bronze snake! Talking donkey?? D. JOSH-UA! Divide & Conquer Canaan! - 12 Tribes split the land
V. ISRAEL – the UNITED KINGDOM! I Samuel – 2 Chronicles
VI. THE DIVIDED KINGDOM 1 Kings - Malachi A. Israel “northern kingdom…10 tribes” B. Judah – “southern kingdom…2 tribes” C. The Prophets – “hey Israel…listen!!”
VII. THE CAPTIVITY! DANIEL & ESTHER A. DANIEL – in BABYLON “praying prince then lions den” B.ESTHER - “Queen of PERSIA” – “if I perish, I perish!” - Saved the Jews!!
VIII. RETURN to Judah & REBUILD EZRA & NEHEMIAH C. 3 RD Return- “NEHEMIAH” 445 BC/E Rebuilt the Wall of Jerusalem” A. 1 st Return - “ZERUBBABEL” 586 BC Rebuilt the Temple” B. 2 nd Return – EZRA 458 BC/E Rebuilt Torah Teaching & Sacrifices …AND THAT’S THE STORY OF THE OT!