Abraham 2000BCE Made a covenant (binding agreement) with God that would protect the Hebrews as the “chosen people” Migrated with flocks of sheep and goats to Canaan/Palestine – “land of milk and honey”
Joseph 1800BCE Led Hebrews into Egypt due to famine Later they became enslaved
Moses 1300BCE Adopted son of pharaoh’s daughter Led Hebrews out of Egypt Delivered Ten Commandments Renewed covenant Defeated people of Canaan Claimed land promised by God
David BCE Defeated Philistines United 12 tribes into a single nation Made alliances with neighbors
Solomon BCE Son of David Praised for wisdom Made Jerusalem a great capital with a beautiful palace and massive temple After his death, the kingdom split in two: Israel and Judah
Hebrews were conquered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Hellenistic Greeks, and Romans
66-70CE – Jews rebelled against Rome Jerusalem was destroyed again Jews were driven into exile = diaspora (scattering)
Hebrew beliefs evolved into Judaism.
Monotheistic – belief in a single, all-knowing, all- powerful God
Recorded their laws and events in the sacred text – the Torah
Held “eye for an eye” principle. All people are equal before God. Ethical world view – people should live moral lives Sabbath is on Saturday (begins Friday night)
Synagogue – place of worship
Main Holidays
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year A time of introspection and repentance – no work allowed
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Confession of sins = forgiveness of sins Day you are the closest to God
Passover From Exodus story when God passed over the Hebrews and slew every first born Egyptian
Chanukkah Celebration of Light After defeating the Greeks there was only enough temple oil for one day, but it miraculously lasted for eight days