TIE (Theatre in Education) This project is aimed at educating people about art through the use of drama. Your class project is aimed at educating Key Stage 2 about some famous artistic movements and various individual paintings within that movement.
You will be producing a class piece using the ‘Katie’s Picture Show’ books as your stimulus. In this book Katie visits the National Gallery with her grandma and she is able to actually go into the paintings and have adventures. You will need groups of 4/ 5 and each group will be representing a different painting. two students will need to take on the role of grandma and Katie. Katie in particular will need to interact with each painting. This means you will have to spend time putting the work together as a whole class as well as working on your painting in your individual groups. This will require collaboration!
As a class you will need to ensure that you have covered different movements in art, such as the Impressionists, for example. You will need to research your artistic movement, artist and painting. Each group will need to create a still picture of their painting to begin with. You will then have Katie visiting your picture and you can enact a mini scene involving the people/ animals /things in your painting. You must have a look at the Katie’s Picture Show books for ideas on this. Can you think of any famous artistic movements or paintings now? Have a quick chat about this.
Katie will go into the pictures and enact the scene where the painting comes to life. Grandma will be asleep during this section but can wake up at the end and give the information on the paintings and painting styles. This can be done in a variety of ways: such as grandma talking to the audience, hot seating the painter, hot seating a character in the painting etc.
Each group needs to choose a different style of painting. How about: Impressionism?
Rennaisance paintings?
Pop art?
Abstract art?