Beam Preparation, Task 9 Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä
Task Definition The objective of this task is to study the feasibility of a new generation of devices with orders of magnitude greater capacity and throughput in order to accumulate, cool, bunch and purify the high intensity radioactive ion beams of EURISOL. In particular a prototype for a 60 GHz ECR source will be built and tested. Species purification, Tim Giles, CERN-Geneva Study beam transport and mass separation in the EURISOL complex with its specific boundary conditions and to deliver a dedicated design for mass separation and low-energy beam transport for EURISOL Beam bunching and cooling, David Lunney, CSNSM-Orsay to propose state-of-the-art techniques for ion cooling and bunching Charge breeding, Oliver Kester, GSI-Darmstad Test charge-state manipulation methods in order to achieve breeding efficiency of more than 50% in one charge state for a set of isotopes Ion source for -beams, Thierry Lamy, LPSC-Grenoble Design a high-intensity pulsed 60 GHz ECR ion source for rapid ionization of light noble gas radioactive ions, especially He and Ne. Realization of a conceptual prototype suitable for the beta-beam project Sub-tasks and responsible scientists:
Sub-1: Beam purification by HRS
EURISOL magnet with multipolar field Additional higher order correction elements are not needed !
Multiple EHRS performance
Sub-2: Ion cooling and bunching RF-wall with the funnel S. Heinz, LMU Tested on-line at JYFL RF-multipole structure A. Nieminen, JYFL F. Herfurth, ISOLTRAP D. Lunney, MISTRAL cooler Emittance 3 mm mrad Energy spread 0.5 eV Bunch width 10 s Transmission 70 % RF D.Lunney, CSNSM-Orsay Combination of buffer gas cooling and RF-confinement To reduce the emittance and the energy spread Optional bunching the DC-beam
EBIS J short breeding times (high j e ) J small emittances J UHV vacuum (low background) J narrow charge state distributions L space charge capacity L high voltage platform is required L large set-up, complicate J short breeding times (high j e ) J small emittances J UHV vacuum (low background) J narrow charge state distributions L space charge capacity L high voltage platform is required L large set-up, complicate ECRIS J high intensities (10 12 ions/s) J no cathode, only plasma chamber on high V J small set-up, not complicate L support gas required (10 -6 mbar) charge exchange (background) L broader distribution of charge states L longer breeding times or lower charge states J high intensities (10 12 ions/s) J no cathode, only plasma chamber on high V J small set-up, not complicate L support gas required (10 -6 mbar) charge exchange (background) L broader distribution of charge states L longer breeding times or lower charge states Sub-3: Charge breeding; Low-E 1+ RIB n+ low-E RIB Presentation by P. Delahaye O. Kester, GSI
Beta-beam baseline design Neutrino Source Decay Ring Ion production ISOL target & Ion source Proton Driver SPL Decay ring B = 1500 Tm B = ~5 T C = ~7000 m L ss = ~2500 m 6 He: = Ne: = 100 SPS Acceleration to medium energy RCS PS Acceleration to final energy PS & SPS Beam to experiment Ion acceleration Linac Beam preparation ECR pulsed Ion productionAcceleration Neutrino source Low-energy part High-energy part M.Benedikt CERN-ISS22/9/2005 Task 12, beta-beam, M. Benedikt, CERN EURISOL-DS
Sub4: Ion source for He and Ne ions One of the few prototypes to be built in EURISOL-DS Critical to beta-beam scenario 60 GHz duoplasmatron (P. Sortais, LPSC) Technical challenges Presentation by T. Thullier
Beam Preparation, Task 9 Univ. of Jyväskylä CERN-ISOLDE CSNSM-Orsay/IN2P3 LPSC-Grenoble/IN2P3 LMU, Munich MSL, Stockholm INFN-Bari Mainz University Vinca KVI Participants: Task group meeting: Room 105 Wed , 9:15