Hanes Hawliau Dynol/ History of Human Rights Renaissance Age of Enlightenment French/American Revolutions Present form since WW2
Hanes Hawliau Dynol/History of Human Rights During the holocaust about six million European Jews were killed – (two-thirds of the population of European Jews) Millions more were murdered included Romani gypsies, homosexuals, people with disabilities and other political and religious opponents. Total number of Holocaust victims is between 11 million and 17 million people.
Hanes Hawliau Dynol/ History of Human Rights 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by UN 1950 European Convention on Human Rights 1998 Human Rights Act UK 2001 Childrens Commissioner for Wales appointed for first time 2004 Wales adopts UNCRC
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Human rights are the basic freedoms and rights that belong to every human being! Why do they matter? Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Having human rights allows us to act, speak, or think as we want ( as long as this does not adversely affect the human rights of others.) It allows us to be individuals and to be who we want to be
Rights Respecting School Award UNICEF UNICEF Puts rights at heart of school: planning, management, practice and ethos Teaches and models human rights within all relationships Has had a significant and positive influence on the school ethos, relationships, inclusivity, understanding of the wider world and the well-being of the school community. External evaluation reportExternal evaluation report
Rights Respecting Schools Relationships and behaviour were considered to have improved due to better understanding by pupils and staff. Pupils and staff both considered incidents of bullying to be minimal. Where conflict did arise, pupils were more likely than previously to resolve this for themselves
Rights Respecting School Pupils from a range of ethnic, race and religious backgrounds reported very positive attitudes of inclusivity. Three of the four schools with over 50 per cent FSM increased attendance and attainment and reduced their fixed-term exclusions. There were many examples of pupils challenging externally imposed stereotypes or prejudice.
ADCDF : CA/ESDGC: KS3 Dewisiadau a Phenderfyniadau/Choices and Decisions CA/KS2 understand what is meant by the rights of the child and that not everyone has these CA/KS3 develop opinions about the denial of human rights understand what is meant by basic human rights and that not everyone has them CA/KS 4 appreciate the responsibilities that accompany peoples’ rights
To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela
Diversity Open market Increasing gap between wealth and poverty Ease of travel Ease of access to information Conflicts Economic crisis
Definitions to match up 1. Prejudice 2. Discrimination 3. Stereotype 4. Bias a) Action/Treatment based on pre-conceived opinion b) Over-simplified opinion formed by associating people with a group c) Judgement formed on person or groups of people without knowledge of them d) An unfair preference or dislike of something
Brain teaser A man is driving his son to school. They are involved in an accident and the man dies. The son is rushed to hospital and when he arrives for emergency surgery, the doctor says “ I can’t operate on this boy. HE’S MY SON!” How is this possible?
What is prejudice? Assertions that normal people are white, able bodied, young, middle class, heterosexual, and Christian are endemic in so- called western societies. This results in subtle or declared barriers that disadvantage anyone “outside the norm” (with regard to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, religion and belief, class and/or disability). Any disadvantage accrued by those ‘outside the norm’ is blamed on the person the ‘normal’ people see as ‘different’, that is, different from them or not ‘normal’.
Show Racism the Red Card “ We don’t need that here- we’re all the same colour.”
guidance/equal-rights-equal-respect/resource- toolkit/videos/video-2/ guidance/equal-rights-equal-respect/resource- toolkit/videos/video-2/ x?language=Cymraeg x?language=Cymraeg
Homophobia Sixty five per cent of Lesbian and Gay pupils have experienced homophobic bullying. Of those, 92 per cent (143,000) have experienced verbal homophobic bullying, 41 per cent (64,000) physical bullying and 17 per cent (26,000) death threats. 97 per cent of Gay pupils hear derogatory phrases such as 'dyke‘ and “queer” used in school. Over half of teachers fail to respond to homophobic language when they hear it. Only 7% respond every time they hear homophobic language. Thirty per cent of Lesbian and Gay pupils say that adults - teachers or support staff - are responsible for homophobic incidents in their school. Less than a quarter of schools have told pupils that homophobic bullying is wrong.
What would you do?