Bringing in fresh faces: Creating a diversity residency program Twanna HodgeLorelei Rutledge Diversity Resident LibrarianFaculty Services Librarian
What is a diversity residency? A short-term structured program designed to introduce new librarians to the various duties associated with librarianship. The residency also gives the hosting institution a chance to learn up to date material from the new resident.
Libraries with residencies Los Angeles Public Library University of California Santa Barbara University of Massachusetts Medical School National Library of Medicine North Carolina State Universities Ohio State University Syracuse University Towson University University of Delaware University of Iowa University of Tennessee Valparaiso University Virginia Tech Yale University
Why host a diversity residency? Support new librarians from traditionally underrepresented groups Encourage them to choose librarianship as a career Add diversity in libraries Allow the library and the resident to learn from each other.
J. Willard Marriott Library The first year is made up of four rotations through major departments During the second year, the resident completes one major project and presents the results Resident takes on teaching, liaison, and service responsibilities
Rotation Projects
Outcomes for residents Gain additional experience in teaching, doing outreach and collection development and providing reference Learn more about how the host library and its departments function. Present ideas through a variety of scholarly communication formats Clarify interests and strengths
Outcomes for host library Increase the number of new librarians from traditionally underrepresented groups Promote the host institution Learn innovative ideas and practices Improve organizational flexibility Gain an enthusiastic, motivated, and skilled employee
Determine the goals of the residency Is it to work on diversity-related programming and activities? Is it to explore different departments in the library and complete smaller projects for them? Is it to serve in a primarily outreach role?
Determine a supervisory/mentoring plan Find the right supervisor Set up formal area advisors Develop formal and informal mentoring opportunities
Create a hiring plan Developing a job description Creating an advertising plan Evaluating applicants Making a decision
Hire the resident Develop an onboarding plan Introduce the resident across departments Collate relevant policies and procedures Create a plan for regular check-ins
Work with the resident Develop opportunities for regular feedback Resident/Supervisor collaboration to make the best use of time Regular check-ins between resident, supervisor, AD, and area coordinators
Assessing the program Decide what documents or tools you will use for assessment Formative assessment with the resident throughout Cumulative assessment at the end of the residency Longitudinal assessment over time
What is it like to be a resident ? Different, Fun, Challenging and Rewarding Isolating (if you are the only resident in the library or state)
Suggestions for coordinators and administrators Create opportunities for connection with a cohort or mentors Create an onboarding program Avoid tokenizing Create opportunities for the resident to “own” projects Create frequent opportunities for check-ins Create a packet with suggestions of people to meet, organizations to join, and places to visit
Suggestions for future residents Find a mentor Volunteer for library and university committees Read policies and procedures and observe Advocate for what you want to do/Take the initiative Get connected with the community
Resource List ACRL Residency Interest Group ALA: Diversity Counts Website.” American Library Association. Accessed 4/22/ Cogell, R. V., & Gruwell, C. A. (2001). Diversity in libraries : academic residency programs: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press. Herold, I. M. H. (2015). Creating leaders : an examination of academic and research library leadership institutes: Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. lburo, J. (2007). Unify to diversify: collaborating for diversity recruitment. Paper presented at the Sailing into the future, charting our destiny: proceedings of the thirteenth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries. (National Center for Education Statistics. “Fast Facts.” Accessed 4/22/ Perez, M. Z., & Gruwell, C. A. (2011). The New Graduate Experience : Post-MLS Residency Programs and Early Career Librarianship: Santa Barbara, California : Libraries Unlimited. World Atlas. Caribbean. ca 1:300 mi Retrieved from San José State University, S. o. I. i. (2012). Developing a Technology Integration Residency Model: The Catalyst Project Report. San Jose University School of Information.