Biotechnology: using living systems to improve human life
The Latest Biotechnologies
A. GloFish
B. Insect/machine combinations
C. Synthetic Transplants
D. Animal Surrogate Transplants
E. Engineered Plants/Animals
The Genome:
- The totality of DNA base pairs in the cells of a species -exact sequence of DNA bases -All the ACTGs on each chomosome
Sequenced Genomes 1.Human 2.Chimpanzee 3.Rice 4.Malaria parasite 5.E. coli 6.Lab mouse 7.Drosophila melanogaster
National Genome Project -Director: Francis Collins -“blue print” of human body: the “holy grail” -12 year project -Funded by U.S. Government
How it will change our lives: -Gene screening at an early age -Designer drugs -Design babies -Genetic counselors -Genetically modified organisms
Genome is the future of medicine -Pre-treat disease and illness before it manifests itself -Changed our legal system, medical science, understanding evolution
Genetic Engineering: cloning and genetic modification
Genetic Engineering: altering an organisms genes through human activity
Genetically Modified Foods/Organisms -genes from one species placed in another organism (Transgenic) -increased food production -may have adverse environmental effects -possible cures and therapies for humans
Cloning: producing a population of genetically identical cells from a single cell
History of cloning
1953: Watson and Crick-discover the structure of DNA
1978: 1 st child born conceived In Vitro
1984: Dr. Steen Willadsen-clones first sheep from embryonic cells
1997: Ian Wilmut - 1 st mammal cloned from an adult cell nucleus (Dolly)
2005: South Korea: 1 st dogs cloned
3 Types of Cloning
1. DNA cloning: producing exact replicas of segments of DNA
Steps: 1.Desired segment(s) of DNA are cut from original strand. 2.“Pasted” into a bacterial plasmid which replicates itself quickly
2. Reproductive Cloning: creating an animal that has the same DNA as another animal
3. Therapeutic Cloning: the production of human embryos for research – stem cells
Uses of Cloning
1. Stem Cell Benefits -may help cure/solve diseases and disorders Ex. Alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, paralysis, etc.
2. Reproduce animals with special qualities
3. Cloning Endangered Species
4. Resurrecting Extinct Animals
5. Organ Transplants
Stem Cells: undifferentiated cells that can become any type of cell Stem Cells Skin Cells Neuron (nerves) Bone Cell Muscle Cells Cardiac Muscle
Stem Cell Types 1.Adult Stem Cells: limited potential to make other cells Ex. Blood vessels, bone marrow, retina 2.Fetal Tissue Stem Cells: found in fetuses 3 months or younger; great potential; great controversy
Stem Cell Levels 1.Unipotent: can only differentiate into one type of cell (ex. Spermatogonia Sperm) 2.Multipotent: can differentiate into a few types cells (ex. Bone marrow Red blood cells, white blood cells) 3.Pluripotent: can differentiate into almost any type of cell (embryonic cell muscle, bone, skin, nerves) 4.Totipotent: can become any cell type (zygote any type of cell)