Classification and Bacteria Objectives: Formulate a question or hypothesis that can be investigated through the collection and analysis of relevant information. Design and conduct a controlled experiment to make systematic observations about the natural world, including the collection of data. Analyze data, draw a valid conclusion, explain how it is supported by the evidence, and communicate the findings of a scientific investigation. Agenda: 1.Bacteria Notes + Pasteur 2.What is Inquiry? 3.Design Pasteur’s Gym Day 1 Warm Up: Bacteria Scavenger Hunt Observations
Louis Pasteur: French chemist and microbiologist who studied causes of disease Germ Theory: idea that microorganisms cause many diseases. Originally controversial, this is why doctors wash their hands, we create antibiotics and vaccines and people don’t get sick nearly as often as in the past. Pasteurization: liquid is heated to the point that microorganisms are killed – milk and juice
The Three-Domain System
Bacteria are everywhere: there are approximately (5×10 30 ) bacteria which have a mass greater than any plant or animal Bacteria Especially Like Humans: There are ten times as many bacterial cells than human cells in the body. ( especially in the gut and on the skin). Some of these help us break down certain nutrients such as carbohydrates that we otherwise couldn’t digest whole others cause problems like athlete's foot or BO. Because of bacteria: we must practice good hygiene like refrigerating our food, washing our hands. In hospitals (or science class) where this is important, things need to be completely clean (sterile). The presence of bacteria: and other microorganisms can be detected by placing a sample on an augar plate. This is a nutrient-filled gel that allows the organisms to grow in colonies that we can see.
What is Inquiry? Process that scientists actually do: – Ask a question – Answer question through a detailed procedure – Gather and analyze data – Explain data and ask additional questions