Edinburgh, Scotland University of Edinburgh, School of Chemistry Anna Ren, Class of 2014
Research Objectives Develop a method to use MALDI imaging to map oxidative stress The University has sophisticated MALDI imaging machines which can take high-resolution 2D sets of mass spectra The project specifically questioned whether or not MALDI imaging could be used to detect lipids and oxidized forms of lipids Used mouse brains and kidneys
The Work Prepared samples by going to the Queens Medical Research Institute to get tissue samples and spray them with matrix Ran samples on the MALDI imaging machines in the chemistry building Analyzed the data using provided software and looked through a lot of literature for guidance Supervisors were very helpful, but relatively hands off on a day-to-day basis
The Workplace
Most Rewarding Aspect The graduate students working there were amazing people – so kind, inspiring, and fun The lab’s services were in high demand so the lab supervisor was very busy Everyone in the lab was extremely independent, knew exactly how to do everything and could also run the lab if necessary – I hope I’ll get to that level someday They were very helpful answering all of my questions and explained their work to me (in very diverse and interesting areas) patiently and in detail
My Lab Family
Impact of Work on Organization I completed the goals set out for me at the beginning of the internship I showed that oxidized lipids can be mapped using MALDI imaging I took as much data as I could that can be used in the future and left all of my analysis and conclusions with my supervisor in an easy-to-read format I enjoyed my time with all of my coworkers this summer, and hopefully they felt the same way – we’ll keep in touch over Facebook, at least
Most Beautiful Place on Earth
Impact on Career Plans Have decided to wait to go to graduate school I don’t feel ready yet Seriously considering doing a PhD in the UK or looking for a job there If nothing else, would like to work at a company that has branches over there, so I could work there in the future Made me glad that I’m a chemical engineer and not a straight up chemist, which was something I felt misgivings about
Fun times Nessie New Favorite Band (Meursault)
Overall Forced me to be less shy Met a lot of really cool people with whom I had a lot in common Forced me to work independently and figure things out by using whatever resources I could find Found that I’m not ready to go to graduate school right now and do a good job and enjoy it I should at least take a few years off before I jump into that if I still want to do it in a few years time Found a culture that I want more of in my life The music and art there are incredible