Copyright JNT Association VINAREN Visit 24 Nov 2008 Implementing a Quality Management System at JANET(UK)
Copyright JNT Association YES! BUT need to know why you are doing it If in doubt, don’t do it! Is it worth implementing a QMS?
Copyright JNT Association A large/growing organization needs to understand and document its processes – Can’t ask John/Juan/Jean! Initial implementation allows an organization to take time to consider what it does and how it does it Enables shared understanding of goals by everybody BUT Benefits of a QMS
Copyright JNT Association Need to document what doing now, not what would like to do Need to involve staff from outset, develop existing practices, not impose new system from above Quality must be part of normal working practices, not an added extra Senior management need to be committed, and part of the process Lots of things to think about
Copyright JNT Association QMS needs to be regularly reviewed and maintained Processes/documentation change as the needs of the organization change – system is the servant not the master QMS involves cultural change, some benefits immediate, others will take time to realise Move to fully functioning QMS can take a long time – 7 years for JANET(UK)! More things to think about
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