MNE Declaration Added Value Universal reference point for social responsibility agreed by governments, business and labour International tripartite agreement on roles and responsibilities of business, governments and unions applies equally across countries of operation
MNE Declaration offers workers Framework for: fundamental rights at work skills training for employability good working conditions sound industrial relations
MNE Declaration Issues Background and aim General policies Employment promotion, equality, security Training Conditions of work and life wages and benefits, child labour, safety and health Industrial relations freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
MNE Declaration National, regional and sectoral initiatives building national, regional and sectoral partnerships stimulating consultations and coordinated action among government, business and labour influencing government action: FDI and employment policies helping collective bargaining agreements providing input at regional levels
MNE Declaration Checking company policies and programmes on a day-to-day basis offering benchmarks for corporate performance based on the principles derived from the 69 ILS included in its Annex providing baselines for framework agreements
MNE Declaration Offering benchmarks for checking corporate performance ACTRAV Guide Principles in practice Equality of employment opportunity equal opportunity policy ? training systems on non-discrimination ? grievance procedure to address discrimination/harassment ? sanctions for violation of company policy ? recruitment based on skills ? promotion and compensation based on performance ?
MNE Declaration Providing baselines for framework agreements negotiated between MNE and Global Union Federation apply to MNEs’ operations around the world now, around 70 framework agreements in many sectors Can GFA/IFAs expand references to all sections of the MNEs Declaration and its standards? Would the GUFs want to use it more?
MNE Declaration Addressing conflicts: interpretation procedure Requests for interpretation of the MNE Declaration: in specific cases of actual dispute over the meaning of the principles examined and answered by the ILO Governing Body Cases addressing FoA and CB referred to CFA to date, interpretation mechanism has failed, but CFA jurisprudence important (is teh labour movement using it enough beyond national specific boundaries?)
Last year Establishment of the Helpdesk Provides answers free of charge for companies and other actors on how principles derived from ILO standards can be applied in practice Review of the website FAQs
What’s next? A new promotional follow up to be decided in the year to come by the ILO Governing Body What could we do? What do you need? Alternatives Added value: principles derived from standards and strong link to tripartite and bipartite initiatives instead than CSR Follow up Actrav symposium CB
MNE Declaration Other international levels of operation The OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises MNE Declaration All ILO member states Tripartite oversight Assistance by ILO offices on a tripartite basis OECD Guidelines C ountries of operation of OECD countries companies OECD governments’ supervision Service by National Contact Points
MNE Declaration Other international levels of operation UN Global Compact UN Global Compact Human rights principles Environment principles Labour principles built-in dialogue and partnerships UN agencies, business, labour and NGOs oversight MNE Declaration Added guidance on ways to implement labour principles built-in dialogue and partnerships Tripartite oversight freedom of association and collective bargaining elimination of forced labour effective abolition of child labour elimination of employment discrimination