Keep it simple and precise Use bold titles for important messages Use pictures that convey messages effectively Make it easy to read at a glance Using Multimedia For Presentations
Simply putting two or three key phrases or points on each slide will reinforce the most important points of your presentation. It will allow the audience to keep their attention on you, rather than focused on the screen Writing out your entire presentation on PowerPoint slides, this does not make for a good presentation. All of the audience's attention will be fixed on the slides, and they won't be able to listen to you. Keep the text on your PowerPoint slides supplementary to your speech
Use Media Sparingly Make sure to embed media only where it is appropriate, and only where you can take a pause from your presentation so that the audience can shift their attention accordingly. Make your media clips short to keep your audience focused on your presentation.
Visual Visuals, including graphics, images and videos, are essential to any well-planned presentation. Your visuals should add originality to your presentation. Use only visuals that will enhance your overall message. Have videos ready-to-play so you can just click on links. Use photos and images that are purposeful, and focused Use a simple slide with a logo as a background in between visuals. This will prevent the audience from continuing to watch the visual you have moved on from in your presentation.
Audio How will audio affect the message you are trying to deliver.? Avoid background music and sound effects unless they are essential to your message. You may also need to speak during the slide show. Add sound to videos, but you never talk over videos. Instead, include talking points either before or after a video. Don’t include audio that could be perceived as offensive by your audience.
Timing Timing is another crucial factor in creating a multimedia presentation. Use manual transitions rather than automated timed transitions. This lets you decide when to advance to the next part of the presentation. Calculate the time that may be required to move from one multimedia component to another. The entire presentation should flow seamlessly without any lulls to keep your audience engaged.
Prepare Ultimately, preparation is the key to any successful presentation. Practise your presentation to increase your comfort, build your confidence and reduce any anxiety you may have. Familiarize yourself with all the technical aspects of your multimedia presentation so you can troubleshoot problems that may arise. Know how to use all of the tools you will need for your multimedia presentation. Check your presentation's compatibility if it hasn’t been created at school. Use a wireless mouse if possible.