T he castles of the P rešov r egion
Kežmarok castle osituated in the centre of the town Kežmarok ofirst mentioned in 1463 oreconstructed areas with the Early Baroque chapel
Ľ ubov ň a castle oone of the most unique castles in Slovakia obuilt in 13th century olies in southeast part of Slovakia othe museum of folk architecture
Kapušany castle obuilt in the13th century onear the village Kapušany obelonged to dependency of Matúš Čák
Plave č castle obobuilt 13th century obobetween Šariš and Spiš region ododestroyed with fire in 1856
Spiš castle ososituated above the town of Spišské Podhradie oioincluded in the UNESCO list obobuilt in the 12th century otothe last owners were the family Csáky
Šariš castle oone of the oldest and biggest castles in Slovakia obuilt in the 13th century oburned down in the 17th century
Brekov castle obobetween Strážske and Humenne o bo built around 650 AD ododestroyed in the 17th century
Č i č ava castle ofirst mentioned in the 13th century ois known for its “Book of Lies and Liars”
T hank you f or your a ttention oMade by: Lucia Gažiová and Erika Karasová oResources : slovakregion.sk onlineslovensko.sk wikipedia.org skg.sk =)