Vikasana Bridge Project- 2015
Focus The project is aimed at addressing the Child Labor problem in India. Continuing Education Project encompasses a cluster of 10 villages in Shimoga district in Bhadravathi taluk.
Need for Bridge School Main source of income - work in farms, coffee estates, hotels, garages, fisheries, jaggery processing units etc. Adults are forced to migrate in search of employment. The migration of their children with them generates dropouts from school and forced to work with their parents to supplement income for the family. Low wages, single parent, orphan etc
Vikasana - Overview VIKASANA a non-profit organization (NGO) incepted in the year 1988 to the benefit of mankind targeting socially, educationally and economically weaker section of the society, to identify and meet the needs and aspirations. Special focus on child labour rehabilitation through bridge school program, promote child rights, lobby, advocacy and legal aid services for children, child trafficking issues and promotion of birth registration status of children.
Project Overview Project title: Vikasana Organization for Education and Social Development - Bridge School No of children (2014 & 2015) : 25 ( 7 girls and 18 boys) Target Area: 10 villages Target families: Low income/migratory workers
Achievements so far All 16 students were successful in their annual March, FY13 examination and were promoted to the next grade. Focus on all around development of the children. UFlorida is supported VIKASANA for a pilot organic farming initiative to render the bridge school self-sustaining in FY12 and before. In FY13, Part of the yield from the farming was used for bridge school consumption and rest sold to generate income of Rs 25,000 for bridge school operations.
2015 Budget 2015 total budget ask: Rs 6,46, Vikasana sustainable income: Rs 2,00,000 Grant requested from Asha for Education: Rs 4,46, budget : Rs 6,19, Disbursed: Rs 5,27, Detailed budget breakdown Detailed budget
Site visit report & photos Link to site report
Thank you Contacts: Sowmya Dayanand (Asha Seattle) Sharan Asundi (Asha UofFlorida)