Diction Analysis To be Awesome
Word Choice Remember: Diction is word choice for a purpose. Words that might be annotated as diction: Words you don't know Certain piece of dialect Words that are really specific Words that seem really intense or have a lot of feeling/emotion attached Words that don’t fit with the rest Words that just stands out to you for whatever reason
Importance of Scene What might the diction say about a scene? Has the diction changed from one paragraph to the next? What might this say about the “new” paragraph? Has the diction changed from one scene to the next? What might this say about the “new” scene? Is the diction more intense? Is the diction descriptive? Does the diction have a positive or negative connotation/denotation?
Characterization What might the diction say about a character? Is different diction used when speaking about different characters? How is the diction different? What does this say? Does the diction describing the character or the character’s action suddenly change? What might this say about the new action of the character? Does the diction has positive or negative connotation? What does this say about the character and their actions?
Revealing Tone What tone is revealed through the diction: After determining the subject: Are the words mostly negative/positive or with a negative/positive connotation when dealing with the subject? Are positive words used with sarcasm? Look through your tone packet with your partner/group and determine what might be the best so far in the chapter you just read. Evidence required!
Use your boxes! 1. Make sure your example is one (1) word. 2. Address the denotation. 3. Address the connotation. 4. Try to answer the following questions: a. Is the connotation different than the denotation b. Is there something odd about the way the author has chosen to use the word. c. What is the tone created by the connotation? In other words, what characteristics has the author/narrator given the subject? How do they feel about the subject?