Virginia A. Davis, Ph.D. Alumni Professor and Graduate Program Chair Department of Chemical Engineering Auburn University, AL Keywords: 1 st Year Programs, Grand Challenges, Nanotechnology The Freshman Experience and Nanotechnology Solutions to Engineering Grand Challenges
Why? Problem being solved – Current students are motivated by “making a difference” but there is low awareness of the global societal impacts of the engineering profession – Nanotechnology is an increasing part of all industries and career paths, but there is a significant gap between K-12 nanotechnology content and specialized senior and graduate student electives – Need to integrate new content into existing courses and maintain alignment with ABET student outcomes Objectives – Increase nanotechnology awareness and understanding as part of achieving ABET student outcomes – Familiarize students with the current grand challenges in engineering and potential nanotechnology enabled solutions – Increase student understanding of the importance of grand challenges and nanotechnology to the engineering profession – Increased commitment to and engagement in engineering, particularly among women and underrepresented minorities
When ? Fall 2014: NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education grant funded Spring 2015: Control data gathered from freshman Introduction to Engineering classes throughout the college Summer 2015: Content on introducing engineering grand challenges and “making solar energy more economical” pilot tested in co-ed and all female middle/high school engineering summer camps (~30 students each) Fall 2015: Solar and “reverse engineering the brain” modules being taught in chemical engineering sections (122 students) Future semesters: Current modules will be taught in additional departments, and new modules on additional grand challenges will be developed. All modules will be disseminated via NanoHub and NDSL.
Where? PIs from Chemical, Materials and Mechanical Engineering; evaluator from Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology Attitude and knowledge surveys conducted in multiple engineering departments Modules initially tested in summer camps and chemical engineering freshman ENGR 1110 course Goals: – Institutionalization throughout Auburn’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering – Internet dissemination and adoption by additional institutions – Engagement with national engineering and nanotechnology grand challenges programs
What? Content developed: – Introducing Engineering Grand Challenges – Traditional and DSSC Solar Panels – Reverse Engineering the Brain Theory of change: – More hands on activities and appreciation of societal impacts will increase engagement and retention – Institutionalization will facilitate nanotechnology and grand challenges becoming integrated throughout the curriculum (similar to biotechnology) What has worked really well? – Hands on activities – Graduate student engagement in leading activities – Detailed, actionable information from the evaluator
Prognosis? Impacts are being documented in evaluation reports, conference presentations and journal articles. Scale up has gone from two summer camps of 30 students each to 120 engineering freshman – goal 700 students/ year Current challenges – Large class sizes: suitable lab/classroom space for activities – Buy-in from other ENGR1110 professors due to large student enrollments and faculty time constraints – Packaging modules for internet dissemination Advice? – Balance between soft skills and quantitative problem solving skills and design projects vs shorter modules at the freshman level ? – How are others integrating grand challenges and/or nanotechnology in their curriculum?