PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY Relativistic equation of state of neutron star matter and supernova matter H. Shen H. Shen Nankai University, Tianjin, China 申虹 南开大学 天津 In collaboration with H. Toki H. Toki RCNP, Osaka University, Japan K.Sumiyoshi K.Sumiyoshi Numazu College of Technology, Japan K.Oyamatsu K.Oyamatsu Aichi Shukutoku University, Japan H.Suzuki H.Suzuki Tokyo University of Science, Japan
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY Introduction nuclear physicsastrophysics unstable nuclei equation of state supernova explosion neutron star cooling neutron star properties. EOS situation For neutron star, there are many EOS, but… For supernova, there are rare available EOS neutron star matter: charge neutrality; equilibrium; T~0 supernova matter: charge neutrality; fixed fractions; T 0
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY EOS of neutron star matter nuclei + e nuclei + e + n n + p e + …… + hyperons ~10 7 g/cm 3 ~10 15 g/cm 3 uniform matter non-uniform matter Thomas-Fermi + RMF input non-uniform matter Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) uniform hadronic matter NJL model quark matter …… + quarks
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY Relativistic Mean Field Theory Lagrangian LagrangianEquations Mean-Field Approximation Calculate everything such as TM1 parameter set
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY non-uniform matter e+A e+n+A uniform matter (e, )+(n,p) (e, )+(n,p)+ ( * Thomas-Fermi approximation * body-centered cubic lattice * parametrized nucleon distribution * relativistic mean field input [ H.Shen, Phys.Rev.C65(2002) ] EOS of neutron star matter
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY EOS of neutron star matter [ H.Shen, Phys.Rev.C65(2002) ] [ H.Shen and Z.L.Zhang, Chin.Phys.Lett.20(2003)650]
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY neutron star properties [ H.Shen, Phys.Rev.C65(2002) ]
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY NJL model for charge-neutral quark matter Lagrangian These Parameters [ PRC53(1996)410 ] were determined by fitting gap equation
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY quark condensate NJL model for charge-neutral quark matter
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY hadron-quark mixed phase Gibbs conditions for phase equilibrium without hyperons mixed phase exist in neutron star no quark phase in neutron star
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY neutron star properties
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY EOS of supernova matter [H.Shen, H.Toki, K.Oyamatsu, K.Sumiyoshi, Nucl.Phys.A637(1998)435 ] [ H.Shen, H.Toki, K.Oyamatsu, K.Sumiyoshi, Prog.Theor.Phys.100(1998)1013 ] nuclei alpha proton neutron electron
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY EOS of supernova matter K.Sumiyoshi, H.Suzuki, S.Yamada, H.Toki, Nucl. Phys. A 730 (2004) H.Suzuki, H.Kogure, F.Tomioka, K.Sumiyoshib, S.Yamada, H.Shen, Nucl. Phys. A 718 (2003) 703C supernova explosion protoneutron star cooling
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY Relativistic EOS (non-uniform + uniform) From non-uniform to uniform Hyperons can soften EOS mixed phase (npHQ) mixed phase (npQ) Summary
PHYS.NANKAI UNIVERSITY color superconducting phase hadronic phase Can color superconducting phase exist inside neutron star ? + ? quark phase nucl-th/ HK Mu~335 MeV 2SC core exist no stable CFL core RKH Mu~368 MeV no stable 2SC CFL core