St. Patrick’s Day: Quiz The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia 2013 Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, г. С-Петербург
Заметки для учителя Ход игры. Делим класс на 2-4 команды. На стол каждой команды кладем карточки с цифрами 1, 2, 3, 4. На каждый вопрос отвечать могут все команды. Время на ответ ~ 30 секунд (в слайды встроены часы и два звуковых сигнала). После второго звукового сигнала команды сдают учителю карточки с номером ответа. (На самом деле дети могут играть и без учителя. Просто назначаем кого-нибудь организатором.) Нажимаем кнопку "check" и проверяем ответы. За правильные ответы даем 1 очко (одну карточку-фишку). Нажимаем на кнопку «следующий слайд» (в правом нижнем углу) и переходим к следующему вопросу. В конце игры команды подсчитывают очки.
Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated on ……. the 3 rd Monday of March the 19 th of March the 17 th of March the 3 rd Friday of March check 17
It is the national holiday of the …… people. Irish American English Scottish Irish check Ireland
St. Patrick’s Day is also popular in other countries. People like the Irish sense of ……. fun humour jokes humour check happiness
king People say, “May the luck of the …… be with you!”. Irish love world Irish check
saving St. Patrick is the …… saint of Ireland. father protecting patron check
love St. Patrick was a Christian missionary and used a shamrock to explain about the …… to the Irish. laws of nature holy trinity ecological problems holy trinity check
dyed St. Patrick …… around 17 March, 493. was born died came to Ireland died check
legends At St. Patrick’s Day people remember old Irish ……. books language poetry legends check
their Some people say that …… are fairies who bring bad luck. they them there check
trouble Fairies can cause a lot of ……. tricks fairy tales jokes trouble check
folklore A leprechaun [‘lepreko:n] is a type of fairy in Irish ……, usually taking the form of an old man. humour cartoons jokes folklore [‘fouk,lo:] check
with Leprechauns enjoy playing tricks …… people. on at of on check
hardly Leprechauns work …… making shoes. busy tired busily check
hided They store away their coins in a …… pot of gold. hide hidden hid hidden check
forest The pot of gold is believed to be at the end of the ……. way rainbow road rainbow check
good luck Leprechauns are very lucky. If you see a leprechaun, you’ll have a ……. pot of gold happy life real friend good luck check
found Another superstition says that if you …… a four-leaf clover it will bring you good luck. find are finding will find find check
put up There are many traditions of St. Patrick’s Day. People usually …… green clothes. dress wear are dressed wear check
Blue …… or green wigs and false beards are also popular. Red Black Yellow Red check
cabbage The traditional meal is corned beef, potatoes and ……. carots cabage tomatos cabbage check
all over world St. Patrick’s Day parade is famous ……. in all world all over the world over all the world all over the world check
from The water in the Chicago River has been dyed green …… for in since check
San Francisco The Empire State building in …… is illuminated with green lights for St. Patrick’s Day. New York Miami Chicago New York check