OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence This resource has been released by the University of Bath as an Open Educational Resource. The materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence (except the LTEO University of Bath Logo, CORRE diagram and external links).Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike If you adapt this resource for your own use please mark it as a derivative work of the original. The licence information in the footer and LTEO University of Bath logos can be amended in the Slide Master (View>Master>Slide Master).
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence Open Educational Resources ‘Digitised materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research.’ (OECD) What are your Dreams and Nightmares?
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence Objectives By the end of this session you should have: An introductory understanding of Open Educational Resources and the OSTRICH OER project at the University of Bath Practice in discovering and evaluating open resources for use in learning and teaching Experience of working with, remixing or creating openly available content An awareness of the benefits, challenges and realities of working with Open Educational Resources
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence How did we get here? A brief background to OER… The roots of OER International OER projects OER in the UK OER at [your institution] For more information see: go.bath.ac.uk/kmxkgo.bath.ac.uk/kmxk
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence What’s out there? Finding and evaluating OERs… How do you usually create your learning and teaching resources? Where do you usually source your materials? Where do your students go to find supplementary learning materials? For you, what makes a quality or usable resource?
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence OpenLearn OU Labspace JorumOpen MIT OpenCourseWare OER Africa Merlot OER Commons Humbox Xpert OER Dynamic Search Engine go.bath.ac.uk/q24bgo.bath.ac.uk/q24b What’s out there? Finding and evaluating OERs…
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence What’s out there? Finding and evaluating OERs… Resource: Found at: Resource: Found at: Resource: Found at: Resource: Found at: Criteria 1: Criteria 2: go.bath.ac.uk/e7mf
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence What makes an OER? When is an OER open, usable and useful? From the last activity, what were the features of the quality OERs? Educational Legal Technical
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence What makes an OER? The CORRE process of releasing learning materials as an OER… Diagram from the OTTER project at the BDRA, University of Leicester: go.bath.ac.uk/rsyzgo.bath.ac.uk/rsyz
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence What makes an OER legal? Who do your materials belong to? What is your University IP policy? Who do your learning and teaching materials belong to? What if they’re published? Are you externally funded? Do you know your copyright? Who does the content you use belong to? Do you have permission to use it? Can you get permission? If you’re using materials in your teaching, can you use them for OERs? What about other Intellectual Property rights? Who do your materials belong to?
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence What makes an OER legal? Working with openly licensed content… Finding Open content for your learning materials go.bath.ac.uk/vmwt go.bath.ac.uk/vmwt Creative Commons go.bath.ac.uk/0uet and other licence types go.bath.ac.uk/0uet Including open content in your work Adding a licence go.bath.ac.uk/olo8go.bath.ac.uk/olo8 Compatible licences Attributing content go.bath.ac.uk/ryqsgo.bath.ac.uk/ryqs For more information see the OER IPR Support Project: go.bath.ac.uk/opcy go.bath.ac.uk/opcy
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence Working with OER materials Creating materials with OER or converting materials for OER… Source existing OERs and open content to include in a learning resource for your own subject area or Take an existing learning resource of your own and convert to OER or Using our example learning materials [ link to a resource from your own institution that still needs to be converted to OER ], decide what needs altering to make it ready for release as an OER
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence Working with OER materials Converting [add resource name] for release as an OER… Visit the original learning object here: [add link to pre-OER resource] See the OER version here: [add link to converted OER resource] Image of resource here
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence OER Benefits and Challenges Why will you engage with OERS and what is holding you back? Benefits Challenges
OER: Opening up the World of Learning This resource from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office of the University of Bath is an Open Educational Resource licensed (except the LTEO logo, CORRE diagram and external links) under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike icence OERs : Getting Started guide available at: go.bath.ac.uk/OERintrogo.bath.ac.uk/OERintro JISC Phase 2 OER Programme OER InfokitOER Infokit (from Pilot Phase of the JISC/HEA OER Project) Synthesis and Evaluation ReportSynthesis and Evaluation Report (from Pilot Phase of the JISC/HEA OER Project) OER Impact StudyOER Impact Study by JISC Further information…