Unit 1 Art
The ten most expensive paintings in the history
坐在花园中的女人 Femme assise daus un jardin $ 49,500,000
梦 Dreaming $ 51,700,000
尾 草 Irises $ 53,900,000
双手交叉的女人 Femme aux bras croises $ 55,000,000
窗帘,小罐和高脚盘 Rideau,cruchon et comportier $ 60,500,000
没有胡子的艺术家 Portrait de I ’ artistiesaus barbe $ 71,500,000
屠杀无辜者 Massacre of the innocents $ 76,700,000
红磨坊街的舞会 An Moulin de la galette $ 78,100,000
加歇医生像 Portrait of Dr gachet $ 82,500,000
拿烟斗的男孩 Boy with a pipe $104,000,000
Match the new words in Column A with the correct English meanings in Column B A a.realistic b.abstract c.detailed d.religious e.traditional B 1.accurate,minute 2.being in thought but not having a physical or practical existence 3.lifelike,true to life 4.classical,of old beliefs 5.sincere to believe in the God
Task 1 Scanning Read the passage quickly to find out the answers to the questions. 1.What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD? 2.How did Masaccio paint his paintings? 3.Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly? They were interested in creating respect and love for God. He drew things in perspective, which makes pictures very realistic. Because natural light changes quickly, they had to paint quickly.
Task 2 Skimming Read the passage again then complete the following chart. Name of Ages Time Artist Feature The Middle Ages The Renaissance Impressionism Modern art 5th to 15th century AD 15th to 16th century late 19th to early 20th century 20th century to today Giotto di Bondone Masaccio religious,realistic perspective,realistic not detailed, controversial abstract, realistic
Task 3 Comprehending Read the passage again and deal with the Exercise 2 on Page 3
Why has the style of Western art changed more often than Chinese art?Chinese art Task 4 Discussion Art is influenced by belief of the people. Art is changed according to the way of life.
Task 5 Activity Can you mention the following paintings belong to which art age?
Homework Underline the time expressions in the reading passage.