Warming up & reading Warming up & reading
What do we call these things? What do we call these things? paintings
Brainstorming kinds Of painting oil painting charcoal drawing ( 素描 ) brush drawing ( 水墨画) landscape cartoon wash drawing figure drawing water color graphic art( 形象艺 术画 ) Imitating ( 临摹 ) life drawing Sketch ( 素描 )
painting painter Brainstorming Can you name some famous painting and painters?
Xu Beihong Who are your favorite painters from China?
Qi Baishi
Zhang Daqian
Can you match the painting with the painters? Monet
Comparison of Western and Chinese painting. Time Western Chinese 5th to 15th century AD 15th to 16th century Late 19th century to early 20 th century 20th century to today Which do you think has a greater change?
Why do western paintings have a greater change? Now we’d like to learn something about the history of western painting.
Scanning: Part One An Introduction to the History of Western Painting Go through the part and answer the following questions: What influences art? The way of life and beliefs of the people. Why can’t the text describe all the styles of western art? Because there are too many different styles.
Read the paragraph 2 together and fill in the chart.
Period 1 Middle Ages Time Characteristics of the paintings ___________ themes Full of ________________ (respect and love for God) Artists 5th-15th century religious religious symbols Giotto di Bondone
乔托 · 迪 · 邦多纳 犹大之吻 Now let’s know Giotto di Bondone and one of his paintings and some other paintings at that time.
圣母与圣婴 天使报喜 织锦画
Leonardo da Vinci ( ) period2 : the Renaissance Time Mona Lisa :(15th to 16th century)
The Renaissance Features/characteristics: 1. Focused more on ______ and less on ___________. 2.Two developments: a. ___________________ b. ___________________ 3.Artist: oil paints people and nature religious themes new technique new paints Masaccio perspective
Masaccio( ), the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance, whose innovations in the use of scientific perspective inaugurated the modern era in painting. Now let’s know Masaccio and his paintings, another two painters at that time Leonardo da Vinci and their most famous paintings and some other paintings at that time.
Leonardo da Vinci ( )
Period 3: Impressionism Time:Late 19 th to early 20 th century Features: 1.work _______ 2.They are eager to Show how_______ and________ fell on objects at different times of day. outdoors light shadow 1.What changes led to the change in painting styles? 2.Why did the impressionist have to paint quickly? 3. Did people like this style of painting? Why?
莫瑞桥 -- 阿尔弗莱德 · 西斯莱 赛艇 -- 局斯塔夫 · 卡耶博特 蓬图瓦兹. 埃尔米塔日的坡地 -- 卡米耶 · 毕沙罗 Let’s appreciate some paintings of that times
戴帽的自画像 -- 塞尚作 被称为 ” 现代艺术的起源 ”
Time: 20 th century to today Read the last paragraph carefully and then summarize the style of modern art. Para 6 Period4 Modern art
style s facts The impressionists’ paintings were _______________ but today they are accepted as _______________of modern art. Some modern art is _____, and some art is ____________, Their styles are ____________. Modern art controversial the beginning abstract realistic different
Now can you tell which period the following pictures belong to?
Ages: Middle Ages Time: 5th to 15th century AD Artist: Giotto Feature: Religious, realistic
Middle Ages
Ages: the Renaissance Time: 15th to 16th century AD Artist: Masaccio Feature: perspective, realistic
Ages: impressionism Time: Late 19th to early 20th Artist: not mentioned Feature: Not detailed,
Ages: modern art Time: 20th century to today Artist: not mentioned Feature: controversial, abstract, realistic
Modern art
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