American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program SOURCES OF INFORMATION FOR GOAT OWNERS About Scrapie News Room State ID Requirements Educational Resources State/Federal Contacts Tag Companies Goat & Sheep Health Report Contact NSEP How to Comply
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program ABOUT SCRAPIE Questions & Answers Scrapie Fact Sheet
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES What You as a Producer Need to Know ENGLISH: eed%20to%20Know%20English.html SPANISH: Lo qué usted como productor debe saber sobre el Programa Nacional de Erradicación Accelerada del Scrapie eed%20to%20Know%20Spanish.html
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Guide for Veterinarians Importance of Eradicating Scrapie in Goats
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES NSEP Identification Requirements for Sheep & Goats NSEP Record Guide
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Order Educational Resources from NSEI ENGLISH: Resources.html SPANISH: Los Meteriales Educacionles/ MandÉ Los Materiales Educacionales Resources-Spanish.html
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Scrapie Compliance – FREE TAGS and APPLICATORS ENGLISH: ouragement%20Poster%20English.html SPANISH: En cumplimiento del prurigo lumbar—gratis aretes y aplicadores (cartel) ouragement%20Poster%20Spanish.html
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program SHEEP & GOAT HEALTH REPORT
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program NSEI NEWS ROOM News Releases Press Kit Scrapie Expert List
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program USDA Animal Health and Plant Health Inspection Service APHIS Guide to Scrapie Information National Scrapie Eradication Program Sheep and Goat Identification Scrapie Disease Information Sheep and Goat Health Scrapie Free Flock Certification Program Scrapie Sample Submission
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program Additional Resources American Sheep Industry “Scrapie and You Brochure”
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program Additional Resources American Sheep Industry “Online Scrapie Guide”
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program Scrapie Flock Certification Program A voluntary program designed to monitor participating herds for evidence of Scrapie. Herds enrolled in this program may choose either the SELECT or the EXPORT category. Herds in the Export Category can become Export Certified which allows them to sell their animals to other countries. Participation in this program is beneficial when exhibiting, transporting and marketing your animals. Scrapie Flock Certification Program Standards Summary of the Revised Scrapie Flock Certification Standards Overview of the Revised Scrapie Flock Certification Standards
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program Scrapie Flock Certification Program List of Goat Registries with Approved Tattoos Scrapie Flock Certification Program “Status Reports”
American Goat Federation Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHIS National Scrapie Eradication Program Sources of Information for Goat Owners Contact NSEP Contact AGF