a resource guide for elementary school educators by: Janie Everett
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Open Educational Resources: A Definition “OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or re-purposing by others” (Tuomi, 2013, p. 60).
“A key success factor for OER is that such educational resources can be found and used by anyone, anywhere in the world in whatever educational context.” (Richter & Veith, 2014, p. 207
Levels of OER (click boxes to view descriptions) Level I -simply viewing an online resource Level IV -the user may redistribute a modified resource Level II -using online resources to obtain a certificate Level III -the user may modify and add to the online resource Level ILevel II Level IIILevel IV
Benefits of Using OER in Elementary Settings Gain free lessons and units to use in the classroom Add new activities to existing lessons Promote 21 st century skills among students Utilize a variety of free online texts for classroom use Engage students with new forms of multimedia
“Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.” OER on the Rise
Types of OER to Use in the Elementary Classroom Class materials Streaming videos Software Modules Text books Tests Other
Math Resources (click images to access websites)
Reading Resources (click images to access websites)
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Overview Online sharing is becoming essential in education Free online resources are easy to use and on the rise Use a variety OER to benefit students regularly Use the links to access free resources for elementary students