1. WHAT? –Digital Learning Resources 2. WHY? –Inclusion 3. HOW? –With specific SEN information about visibility, accessibility, …. 4. RESULTS 5. EXAMPLES 6. FUTURE CONTENT
WHAT?Digital Learning Resources “Identifying and making more content available, through a survey of MoEs how much digital learning content, including lesson plans, suitable for learners with SEN they currently have in national repositories with some form of open license.”
WHAT?Digital Learning Resources
WHY? Inclusion
2013 Participants – SENnet partners – EdReNe (Educational Repositories Network) – other EUN member states Open format Listing, naming and tagging of resources HOW?Survey
(SEN) ‘tag’ - the type of support the resource provides e.g. – text to speech devices; visual enhancing equipment etc. Must be straightforward to manage and to understand Adapting IMS Access for All Specification v3.0 Core Profile for SENnet Web based resources Apps SEN resources HOW?Tagging the resources
Access Mode o Auditory o Colour o Tactile o textOnImage o Textual o visual Adaptation Media Type Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard HOW?Tagging the resources
Adaptation Media Type o braille o ChemML o Daisy o EPUB3 o NIMAS o LaTex o LIT o MathML o Nemeth o OEBPS o PDF Access Mode Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard HOW?Tagging the resources
Access Mode Adaptation Media Type Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard o alternativeText o audioDescription o captions o e-book o haptic o highContrast o signLanguage o Transcript o longDescription HOW?Tagging the resources
Access Mode Adaptation Media Type Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard o fullKeyboardControl o fullMouseControl HOW?Tagging the resources
Access Mode Adaptation Media Type Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard o backgroundColour o cursosPresentation o fontFace o fontWeight o foregroundColour o layout o letterSpacing o lineHeight o structurePresentation o wordSpacing HOW?Tagging the resources
Access Mode Adaptation Media Type Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard o simplified o enriched HOW?Tagging the resources
Access Mode Adaptation Media Type Adaptation type Control Flexibility Display Transformability Educational Complexity Hazard o flashing o motionSimulation o sound HOW?Tagging the resources
Open license Variety of educational types: – Not limited to software tools only – Videos – Games – Manuals – Best practise descriptions Main audience – Learner – Teacher – Parent – Everyone No language criteria HOW?Criteria
Rights issues like IPR, copyright and various types of open licenses (‘free’ resources) are obvious barriers that are tackled differently (by the MoEs) in the various European countries. Some countries, e.g. Italy and Portugal, have invested public money in producing SEN resources free for the schools. In other countries, like e.g. Denmark, the private publishers produce the vast majority of educational resources including SEN resources. HOW?Criteria
assessment103% blog21% broadcast41% course195% demonstration4010% drill and practice298% educational game 4913% Experiment10% exploration185% guide267% lesson plan267% presentation4512% textbook92% tool226% video sharing platform 00% wiki10% Other8021% ResultsEducational Type
learner14338% teacher14739% parent7921% Overig41% ResultsIntended Audience
alternativeText3527% audioDescription3124% captions1915% e-book11% haptic00% highContrast3225% signLanguage54% Transcript22% longDescription11% extendedAudioDescription00% visualRepresentation11% subtitlesForDeaf00% fullTranscription00% Overig11% ResultsAdaptation Type
simplified4449% enriched4551% fullKeyboardControl6846% fullMouseControl7651% fullVoiceControl43% ResultsIntended Audience
ResultsLanguage of the resource
FUTURE Ongoing project Continue collecting resources Making the resources available through LRE
CONTACT SENnet website: Mailing list: Project manager: Project ref LLP BE-COMENIUS-CNW Duration: 36 months to November 2014